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Author's note: The last chapter has been removed because it wasn't really taking the story in the direction that I wanted. Please erase that chapter from your memory and pretend that this was the chapter posted after Truce. Thanks a lot, guys :)

Over the course of the next few days, I became acquainted with the ways of my new school. I became pretty popular after my stunt in the cafeteria and I was recognised wherever I went. I hadn't actually been a pariah in my old schools but never this popular. Life was good.

The next few days I saw very less of Josh and whenever he passed me by in the corridor, he would just give me a polite smile or a tiny wink. I tried not to let it bother me much, but it did. I had thought that we were at the start of a good friendship. But I guess God-like seniors couldn't be bothered with the likes of lowly juniors like me.

"Yo P, let's do something after school today," Amanda said, interrupting yet another daydream about her brother.

"Yeah sure, but what? I think you've probably taken me to every cool place in town by now."

"You haven't been to the coolest of them all," she said with a smirk.

I gave her a blank look.

"My place, P. Let's go to my place after school today. There's this new eye-shadow I bought that we could try."

"Now that sounds like fun," I said in a dry tone. While I'm no tomboy, I'm not a particularly girly-girl. I like dressing up for occasions but makeup isn't simply my cup of tea.

"C'mon P, it'll be fun. Please," Amanda kept looking at me with her doe-like eyes, fully aware of how hard it was to resist them.

"Okay," I finally said grudgingly.

After school, we went to her place. Josh wasn't around, not that I looked or even paid attention to the fact that he lived there. I didn't even get the slightest urge to peek into his bedroom. Not even the slightest.

After two hours of torture- Amanda hadn't been happy with only eye-shadow, she resorted to giving me a full blown makeover- I finally stood up and gave her the dirtiest look I could. "Are you finally done?"

"P, don't be like that. Just look at you " she said guiding me towards the mirror.

For probably the first time in my life, okay second, I was speechless. The girl in the mirror couldn't be me. I was wearing a navy blue fitted dress which complimented my golden hair and grey eyes. I was also wearing sexy cream pumps which made my already long legs look like they went on for miles. She had left my hair in its natural wavy state and applied general doses of dark eye makeup, which further highlighted the colour of my eyes. Overall, the effect worked wonders.

"Told ya," Am said with a delighted glee. "Now let's go out."

I was still busy staring at my reflection and barely registered what she was saying. "Uh yeah whatever."

"Give me ten minutes, I'll be right down," she said pushing me out of her room, and from in front of the mirror, finally breaking me out of my reverie.

"Wha-? Where are we going?"

"To a nice restaurant. I can't just make you get all dressed-up and not take you out. Honey, would you be my date for tonight?" she said in a Southern drawl.

I giggled at her stupidity. "You're just so ridiculous at times, Am."
Still giggling I walked downstairs, where my laughter promptly dried up on seeing Josh. He had clearly just come out of a shower. His hair was still wet and was all spiky and messed up. He looked utterly delicious. I squelched all the hurt that I had been feeling over the past few days about him ignoring me and just stared at him wordlessly. What really scared me was the intensity with which he was looking back at me. For the first time, even he was rendered speechless by the sight of me.

His speechlessness gave me confidence and I smirked at him. "See something you like?"

"A lot, baby doll, a lot. Why don't you come here and give me a closer look?" He beckoned with his hand, looking up with that cocky grin of his.

Suddenly I was the nervous one again. You could never one-up Josh Taylor. Grr.
I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of getting me all flustered. I slowly walked towards him and stood right in front of him, tossed my head and looked straight into his eyes.

"So how's the masterpiece up close?" I asked arrogantly.

He leaned forward slowly till his face was only an inch away from mine. I forced myself to keep looking into his beautiful eyes and not back down.
"Magnificent," he whispered, his sweet breath blowing into my face.
It was like time froze for a second and all I was aware of was his gorgeous eyes staring into mine. Both of us unconsciously leaned forward-

"How do I look?"
We both jerked apart at the sound of Amanda's voice.
"You look gorgeous, honey," I exclaimed trying to copy her Southern accent.
At this Josh started laughing loudly. "You.. have.. the.. worst.. Southern.. voice.. ever", he said still laughing with his hands on his stomach.

" Hmph. It's not easy," I said, thoroughly embarrassed.

He moved towards me in one swift movement, taking my chin in his hand. "You should be kissed and often and by someone who knows how," he said in a gruff Southern accent perfectly mimicking Clark Gable. I think I swooned a little. Just a little.

"Huh, it was okay, I guess," I said with a shrug.
"No need to act around me, babe. I know that had you going weak in the knees, just admit it."
As he grinned down at me, something occurred to me.
"Wait, you've seen Gone with the Wind?"

"I made him watch it with me," Am's voice interrupted from behind. I don't know if I was imagining it but I thought she looked a little irritated. She was probably tired of her brother's flirtiness. 

"The things I do for you, baby sister," Josh said, shaking his head and finally backing away. It was sweet to see this side of him that cared so much for his baby sister and I couldn't help but be mesmerised by this utterly confusing man.

"Let's go, P"
"Where are you guys going?" Josh inquired.
"Where do you think? On a date, of course. This bitch hasn't been to Mendel's yet"
"What's Mendel's?" I asked.
"Only the most coolest restaurant in town. The only decent formal restaurant we can boast of," Josh said, answering my question.

"You want to join us?" Am asked her brother, her tone making it pretty clear it was just a formality.  To my surprise, he looked at me for a few seconds before answering, "Sure. Just let me grab my jacket".
Well, this should be interesting.


Author's note again: I'm back bitches B|

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