The jerk

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"Pick your jaw off the floor, would you?" Amanda said suddenly in an annoyed tone. I realised how awkward she must be feeling right now, me staring at her brother and all.

"I'm sorry. Its just that...your brother is REALLY hot. I can't help it," I admitted sheepishly.

At my confession, her face softened. "Yeah I know, I just hoped you'd be the exception."

"The exception to what?" I asked.

"Nothing," she muttered and looked away. I didn't try to press it. I decided to change the topic.

"What are your plans for college?" I asked her.

"NYU" she said with a bright smile, "that's my aim. I wanna major in art and economics."

I looked at her surprised. Wish I could be that confident about my future. I still had no clue what I was going to do and my mom was no help. Whenever I brought up the topic with her she would tell me to 'follow my heart'. Like I'm supposed to know what that means. Just then I noticed, Amanda's brother aka the hottie aka Josh making his way towards us. He had noticed Amanda.

"Hey little sis," he greeted Amanda when he reached us. Standing just a few feet in front of me, Josh was absolutely breathtaking. Really tall, with a good build and muscular arms, he could take any girl's breath away. His glorious dark brown hair perfectly styled to look messy, his strong jaw perfectly shaven, his sharp cheekbones and his gorgeous eyes, it was all a lot to take in. He and Amanda didn't look much alike apart from the hair. Now that he was close I could see what a startling shade of green his eyes were. Gorgeous eyes which were suddenly focused on me.

"Hey, I'm Josh," he said extending his hand towards me.

Now as a general rule, I don't get all flustered around cute boys. I've got great self confidence and I can hold my own around them. But this guy wasn't just cute. Cute didn't even begin to describe him and with those amazing green eyes looking intently at me, I promptly lost the ability to speak. Or move. Or even blink.

I just stared stupidly at his extended hand like the moron I was, till I realised I was getting the opportunity to touch His hand! I grinned like an idiot and shook his hand, managing to stutter out something that sounded like, "Perry" but I'm not sure.

"Wow! They sure grow them brain dead, wherever it is you are from," he said arrogantly. Even his voice sounded sexy! But then I focused on his words.

"Excuse me?" I was flabbergasted.

"You stared at my hand for like what- an hour?"

Well that did it. All of a sudden, I could look past his pretty face. My hands tingled. All I wanted to do right now was beat the shit out of that pretty face.

"Hmm.. Amanda was right. You are obnoxious," I said calmly as if I was simply making an observation.

To my delight, Amanda laughed. Her brother on the other hand looked a little cross. I didn't care. If a guy could piss me off just with his first few words I definitely didn't give two hoots about him, no matter how gorgeous he was.

"You don't know anything about me," he said in an arrogant tone.

"Good. I wouldn't want to know."

"You sure about that? Just look at me," he said cheekily, gesturing to himself. I couldn't believe he just said that! I mean who does that! He was way over his head.

"What exactly am I supposed to see here?" I said in a disinterested tone.

He looked at me in disbelief.

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