Food fight!

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Oh crap! I'm so stupid! Why the hell did I have to pick a fight with that guy!? I'm so going to regret this...

I made my way to class with my head bowed down. Wherever I went people would look at me and start whispering. What the hell? They already knew?! That I had made the mistake of challenging the most gorgeous, most popular guy at school- Josh Taylor.

Amanda gave me a look when I walked into first period.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Drop the act, Parker. I know everything."

"Uh.. So you heard..?"

"That you picked a fight with my brother? Yes."

I opened my mouth to speak but Amanda cut me off.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind? He is the last person you should be picking a fight with."

"I know, I know okay. I know he's your brother and us fighting will be awkward for you but-" Amanda cut me off again with a laugh this time.

"You think that's why I don't want you to fight with him?" She asked still laughing. "Cause he's my brother? Haha! I don't think I've ever heard anything more ridiculous."

"Then what did you mean?" I asked her, now annoyed.

"Silly what I meant was that my brother is Josh Taylor. He has LOADS of friends. Or I should say followers. And you're new to this school. He can give you a really difficult time. My brother can be a real dog at times, you know."

"So you're worried about me? Aww! That's so sweet. But you see I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself," I said in an overly sweet tone. "Its not like I haven't met a few Josh Taylors in my life, " I continued.

"I still think it is a bad idea," said Amanda and left it at that.

By third class, the whispers had become worse. Surely people can't still be talking about this? Who knew my mouthing off Josh in the corridor would become the highlight of their day?!

At lunch, I was looking around for Amanda who had promised me a seat when I heard my name behind me. I turned around to find two girls laughing at me. What the hell was their problem? I thought, annoyed. When one of the girls stuttered out 'P..P...Perry', and started laughing hysterically, I understood what was happening. So he had spread around the story of my moronic introduction yesterday, hoping to make me look like a fool. But that idiot sure as hell didn't know me.

I approached the girls and joined in their laughter. They both stopped as soon as they noticed me. "Hi, I'm Perry," I introduced myself in a friendly voice. I decided friendliness would probably help me in this situation.

"Hey, brain-dead moron," said one of the girls in a bitchy tone. Well, maybe not.

"So I'm guessing you must be Josh's skanks right?" I said.

"Excuse me?" Asked one of them in an astonished tone. Both of them had identical scowls on their face.

"Yeah, no offence but you just look the type. What I wonder is, why the hell do you girls take his side when he's probably slept with all of you and probably even cheated on you with your friends?" I asked them.

Skank number one had an ashamed look on her face which told me I was right on target. "He cheated on you, didn't he?" I asked in my nicest tone.

"Drop dead, bitch," Skank number two muttered and walked away.

"Yes he did, with her," Skank number one admitted.

"And you forgave him?" I asked gently.

"I guess..."

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