Chapter 4

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It was 11 a.m and decided to see Marissa, she is like my sister.
C: hey
M: hey what's up
C: wanna hang out
M: ask my dad
"Luke can rissa come over"
"Yeah do you want to go get her"
"Yeah be back in a little"
C: I'll be right over
I grabbed the car keys and got in. I started pulling out. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" hayes yelled coming to the driver window. "going to get someone" I said parking the car. "you can drive"
"Yeah" "your only 14" "yeah" he walked over and got in the passenger seat. "ok let's go"
It took about 5 minutes because she lives two blocks down. I turned off the car and got out. "how" hayes said. "you wanna learn" I walked inside and went to the kitchen. "yeah" Marissa came in and tackled me. "this is hayes" I said. they both said hi. I got hayes a drink. "so what do you want to do" marissa "well we could go to back to beau's" I said she screamed and ran outside. me and hayes got in and went home. when we got there we walked to beau's. they all tackledI her while I just went to the kitchen and grabbed a dr.pepper. "wow thanks for the hi and hugs" Nash cameron jack and jack tackled me. I started laughing. we got up and they hugged me normal. when Nash hugged me he whispered "hayes likes you' I got red and looked down.
We decided to do a video. we went with Nash is the devil.
----------(after video)
"I'm hungry" me and hayes said at the same time, we started laughing. Luke got out chips, drinks, candy,and popcorn. we just chilled for awhile. I got a text from Hayes.
H: do you want to hang out tomorrow
C: just us
H: yeah
C: sure
I look up and James and Luke are twerking with each other. I turned on vine and uploaded them.
It was like 10 at night a me and marissa went back to my house. all of the uncles were still here. they were in the living room doing what I like about you. me and marissa both know how to play. she plays guitar and I play bass. mainly because I spent almost A year at cal's house one time. They stopped playing and told us to join in. we did and started playing good girls. after we finished they told us that,that version is going on there CD. if they ever make one. me and marissa went upstairs and watched YouTube for the rest of the night.
I woke up and had a text from Hayes.
H: be ready by 10:30
It was only 9 so I was good. I got up and took a shower. I got dressed I didn't know how I was to dress
C: what do I wear
H: what you normally d
I got dressed(pic) and straightened my hair. when I got up my and rissa were matching except she was wearing converse. we took a picture 'selfie' god I hate that word. and put it on Instagram. "hey I'm hanging out with hayes today" she wiggle her eyebrows "ok ill hang at beau's" we were talking and we heard screaming. we ran to the band cave and Luke's blow drier was on fire. we got it to stop and gave Luke a back up one. "I just wanted air" he said pouting. we laughed and went downstairs and my mom was down there "hey momma" she came over and hugged us. "hey auntie" marissa said she waved for us to follow her into the kitchen. ok so tomorrow were going shopping ok I'm gonna get you both new stuff"
"Ok thanks momma" I said and we hugged her. the door bell rand and calum ran out and got it before I could. he started talking to them and told the person to come in. "Cali someone's here for you" I walked out and it was hayes. calum wiggled his eyebrows as we left. "so were we going" I asked "I don't know your the one from here" he said laughing. I grabbed his hand and started pulling him."come on ill show you something" I took him to the janoskians place where they make there videos. we sat down and just talked.
I didn't realize it but it was starting to get dark. I stood up and held my hands out for him to grab. we walked to get ice cream, then walked home. "Thanks hayes" I said and hugged him. "I'll see you tomorrow alright" he said "alright" we pulled away from the hugged and I went inside and he went back next door. I closed the door and my dad and uncles were there. "what" I said. in a Girly voice they started saying random stuff like. "where were you" "do you know what time it is" "why are you out so late" "are you doing drugs" I laughed and went upstairs. marissa was already sleeping, I changed and went to bed. today was perfect. I was about to go to sleep when I got a text
H: goodnight princess
I went to sleep thinking about him

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