Chapter 4. Hide Away

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P.O.V Sasha

By the time I made it back to the pack house, it was dark and I was dirty and in desperate need of a hot relaxing shower. The run helped nothing seeing as though it brought on more drama then expected. I ran to help relieve the stress of the rogues ,but instead I received a large head ache from my Beta constantly tying to find out my whereabouts and I nearly ran into the one person who could singlehandedly ruin my pack and I's life.

"No he wont!! He loves and will protect us!! Be reasonable", my wolf ,Gazelle, says pleading with me.

"Be quiet", I say to her, "You'll never know if he could be a weirdo or he could be the driving force behind the rogue attacks... you know what happens to female packs that allow people in!! They get overthrown and exterminated... so unless you want that for our pack, I suggest you quit nagging me about him".


Just as I thought... Gazelle is the exact opposite of me. She likes to have patience and play by the book. Not me! I'm an Alpha for Pete's sake I have to be strong and I have to show my dominance to get my point across, not that any of my sisters have ever crossed that line.

Anyways, I begin to walk up the long steps leading into the pack house when suddenly I get a smell that I know all too well.


I feel the rogues presence on me , but I pretend to not notice at all. I do sense something off about this rogue. But I am an alpha so this one rogue will be an easy kill. As I feel the rogues presence get closer and closer, I quickly turn around and shift mid-air into my large dark brown wolf lunging for the rogue. This rouge is far smaller than mine so pinning the rogue on its back was easy.

The rogue tried to get from under my stronger than normal grip ,but I managed to put all of my weight on the rogue to the point where moving was nearly impossible. I flash my large canines showing the rouge not only that it fucked with the wrong she wolf, but I also showed the rouge the very tool that I'll use to take its miserable pathetic life.

I go to sink my teeth into its neck when I am suddenly knocked off of the rouge and I feel teeth sink into my leg.

"What the hell?!", I think to myself.

I then realize why I felt that something was off about this rogue. As the teeth release my leg, I look into the eyes of two identical twin rogue wolfs.

"You've got to be kidding me!", I think to myself.

I look at my leg and it looks like its healing already.

I quickly get into my fighting position when one of the rogue actually grows a pair of balls and lunges at me. With no hesitation I quickly jump into the air and with my paw I elongate my claws and drag my nails into the flesh of the rogue. The satisfying smell off rogue blood let me know that I did exactly what I intended on doing.

I turn my head to look at the other rouge only to see that the rogue was already coming at me leaving me with no time to react.

I dig my paws into the ground and prepare for impact.


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