Chapter 2. What's Next?

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    Running always clears my mind so following Janelle through the forest helped me think some more about what I was going to say to my pack. I knew they were depending on me to come up with a plan and to protect them but now I was out of ideas and any rational options. The rouge attacks became more frequent and I was starting to doubt myself as a leader. Ever since the day this pack was passed down to me, I've always some how managed to keep us strong but lately it's been falling apart.

     Janelle and I started coming up on a clearing and what was there instore  for me was downright astonishing. Every wolf older and young were there standing right before my eyes.When I called for an emergency meeting about the rogues, to be held I didn't think this many people would show up at one time. So when I shifted and walked before them to tell them about out issues I saw something in each of their eyes. Some of them had hope while others looked to me for answers and some looked as if they had nothing left to say to me.

   "Good morning everyone", I said loudly enough for them all to hear.

   "Good morning Alpha", they all called back.

     I began speaking to the hoping to recieve feedback and possible resolutions to our problems.

    "As you may have noticed, the rogue attacks lately have become more frequent and more close to home".

   "Yea and what are you gonna do about it?!" someone cried.

   A series of "yeas" rang out among the large group.

I yelled out in my strongest and most dominating voice, "I AM YOUR ALPHA AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY DISRESPECT FROM YOU...UNDERSTOOD?!".

"Yes Alpha",they sang out. Just how I liked it submissive under my rule.

  "Anyways", I continued, "Although we are in a secluded area, these rogues some how know where we are and when which means we are most likely being watched. I honestly do not see these attacks and killings stopping because they have obviously found out that we are an all female pack and much weaker physically than the mixed and all male packs out there."

Gasps ran throughout the crowd at the thought of us being watched and preyed upon.

"So since we are a pack and since this is a sisterhood, if anyone has ANY ideas on how to fix our growing issue, weather you think it's vital or not, come to my office immediately and share what you have in mind. Thank you for showing up ladies you are dismissed." And with that, all of them started clearing the area chatting amongst themselves.


     I didn't leave that area right away. I stayed there for a while just thinking to myself about everything that I'm facing and everything that I'm going through at the moment. Everything started getting jumbled up in my brain and started to cause me to have a headache so I began to walk around my territory.

    The heavily forested area was simply breathtaking and peaceful. The cool air that day along with the calmimg silence of the area provided the much needed serenity that I needed to clear my mind and focus on other things. I was walking alone...or so i thought I was... I started hearing twings and branches snap from behind me.

       I smelt a faint scent in the air. I couldn't recognize it for the life of me but I continued to walk slightly picking up the pace. Again I started to smell something pineapple and chocolate maybe and my wolf was going crazy with excitement and a slight hint of fear on the inside of me. With my sharper than normal senses I felt another presence around me but couldn't be I thought to myself....

      I knew what was coming but I was not willing nor ready to face it. I have too much on my plate right now, I thought to myself, and what's coming would confuse add uneccesary drama. With that conclusion, and as hard as my wolf fought me, I shifted and ran all the way to my pack house leaving behind what my wolf was craving only for the better of my pack.

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