1: A new start

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'There it is; Café Uzumaki'

"This is it, my first day on the job. I just hope that everyone else here is friendly."

With that I walked in to my new workplace, confident and ready to continue my second day of returning to Yokohama. The place was quiet when I walked in, and I only saw one person in there, working at the bar. As I approached her, I saw her give me a welcoming smile.

"Hi, there how can I help you today?" She greeted, maintaining that smile, that I could tell was genuine

"Hello. I'm [L/N], [Y/N] [L/N]. I'm here to start working today" I replied, with a genuine smile of my own.

"Oh yes, I remember the boss telling me about you. I'm Bella Donna. I'll show you around and help you to get started. Tuesday's are pretty slow so we can take it easy today."

"That's good to know. It'll be a pleasure working with you." I told her. She took me to the back, showing me where to put my belongings, and giving me the work uniform to change into.

'Sadly it's a maid outfit, not really my style, but I'll have to admit it was cute.'

We both got to know each other, talking throughout the day and sharing our experiences with each other. I got to meet a few of the regular Tuesday customers, some of them were sincere and kind, while others weren't so pleasing to meet. I spent all day on my feet, getting customers' orders, and welcoming anyone who walked in the cafe. I loved it! After 8 hours of hard work, my shift was over, and it was time to close up the cafe.

"You did good for your first day. I'm so glad you'll be around to help, it gets kind of hectic by myself all day." Bella said, sighing in relief when she wiped down the bar counter realizing she'll get to go home and relax soon.

"Thanks. I'm glad I can help out, I'm sorry if you've been stressed. You have my phone number if you ever need anything, so don't shy to give me a call."

"Thanks, that's good to know." Bella took her leave, heading to the back room and getting changed out of the work uniform and into some normal clothes.

I soon followed her, getting changed quickly and grabbing my things. I headed to the door, seeing her waiting there with the keys in hand.

"It was nice meeting you!! I'll see you tomorrow, be safe." Bella wished me farewell, locking the door behind me.

"You too!!" I replied. The air was warm, with a cool breeze nipping at my skin.

I decided to take my time getting home, taking in all the sights and smells that my path home had to offer.

'I really did miss this city.' Every aspect of it. Even the not so good parts, which I knew first hand existed. Yokohama was a wonder, having so many pros and cons, with many people on opposing sides, and even more oblivious to these factions.
The people could be so kind here, and others would choose to be rude and unwelcoming. There were tons of new stores, with some of the old ones standing strong. And the best part is that my best friend was here too.

'oh crap, I should call him when I get home to let him know how it's going.' I reached for my phone, seeing how long it would take me to get home. Only 30 minutes, not too bad.

'But if I walk fast I'll get there sooner.' I challenged myself, I put in a single earphone and safely made my way home.

When I was at the doorstep, I checked the time to see just how long it took me to get there.

'Yes!! Less than 20 minutes!!'

I grabbed my keys, swiftly opening the apartment door and letting myself in and locking it behind me. I took off my shoes, switching to my slippers and put my bag on the counter after I took my phone out. I plopped myself on the couch laying on my stomach and started to dial my bestie.

《♤•Hard To Stay, Harder To Let Go•♤》{Yandere Osamu Dazai x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now