He Was There

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March 28 was Sakura-Chan's birthday!!! I had to. XD


Yuzuki POV

I was so alone. Alone until Sasuke came. He found me crying in my parent's bedroom, on their bed. The tears won't stop. I loved my ma more than anything, and now she's gone.

Naruto is in jail. He chased down that limo driver and beat the living shit out of him, and he still didn't stop. He wouldn't stop. When the police arrived they had to pry Naruto from the bastard. My pa is buried in work and meetings, so he can't be here right now.

Me and Sasuke have been laying in my bed ever since he carried me in my room about 2 hours ago. He held me while I cried and cried on his shirt, and when I tried to apologize he would put a finger to my lips and shush me.

He held me while I cried, he was there when I needed him, and I loved him for it.

We are now visiting Naruto, a and as we step into the booth, we see my beloved twin on the other side. I will not cry anymore. Uzumaki's are stronger than that. Naruto seems as happy as ever on the outside, but he's my twin and I know what he really feels. I feel it too.

He starts grinning when he sees us.

"Hey sis hey Sasuke-Teme guess what!!", he says ever so loudly.

"What is it bro?", I ask him.

"I'll be out tomorrow!!!", he yells, jumping up and down. I start jumping with him. Then we stop.

"Yuzuki, I know how hard it's been on you, since you two were so close. And how hard it is being all alone at a time like this. I'm sorry".

"Naruto nothing is your fault so don't apologize. It's as hard on you and pa as it is on me, we all loved her so much. And I wasn't alone because Sasuke was there with me".

His eyes widen and he looks at Sasuke. "Thank you for taking care of my baby sister when I couldn't. Please continue because I already know you like her! Believe it!!", Naruto shouts.

Sasuke glares at him and I giggle. "Bye bro! I love you!"

"Bye sis! I love you too!"

And we left.

When me and Sasuke got outside we were surrounded by reporters asking how I felt about my brother being in jail and my mother dying. Even though I said I wouldn't, I started crying. Sasuke grabbed my hand and pushes the reporters out of the way and puts me in the limo before getting in himself.

He wipes my tears away. "Stop crying. I hate it when you cry."he says. But the tears won't stop. I can't help it. Then he leans in and kisses me.

I was shocked but I found myself kissing back. He shoots his tongue into my mouth and pulls me into his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and we fight a tongue battle for dominance. He wins of course, and kisses my neck. Then he hugs me quickly, line he's scared I will disappear into thin air.

"What's wrong Sasuke?",I ask. He shakes his head. "Yuzuki I love you, and I want you to be mine".I think that was a forceful way of asking me to be his girlfriend. Typical Uchiha. I nod my head anyway. His eyes widen. "You will?!", he asks, completely shocked.

"Yes Sasuke Uchiha. I love you. "


Ok just because she goes with Sasuke now please please please don't lose interest in this story!!! You can tell me who you want her to date later on, but for now she has to date Sasuke. Not saying you can't pick him, but yeah. So all the Sasuke-haters: stay interested. All the Sasuke lovers: stay interested. Thank you!!

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