The fall of a loved one

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Loona POV
I'm watching the street fight from our window, it seems that we've won. I see my boys, Y/N and B, fighting, and as I watch I see a few Nazi soldiers sneaking around the back. They look like they're up to no good, but they're probably just retreating right? I open the sliding door to our balcony and step out, and see my favorite men talking, then I hear the unmistakable sound of a rifle firing, then I see B falling. I hear a very audible scream of anger and sadness from the street, Y/N. My eyes start watering, and I fall to my knees, my hands gripping the splintery wood of the balcony, and start crying, why him?


NO NO NO! THOSE SONS OF BITCHES! NOT MY SON! I sprint to his side, falling to my knees, he's still alive, barely. He looked back at me, a small smile still on his face.

B: Heh, we didn't get all of them dad.

Y/N: Hold on B, I'll get you to safety, just keep your eyes open and your lungs breathing, I'll get you to a aid station!

B: dad, I'm not coming out of this alive. The bullet struck a artery, a important one. I've got five minutes at most, and we don't have any medical gear.

Y/N: Don't say that you little shit, I'm going to get you to safety!

B: dad, I'm going to die, I know that

Y/N: NO! I cant believe it, I WONT believe it!


that did indeed shut me up, he'd never raised his voice at me before.

B: Dad, I'm going to die in less then 3 minutes, do you want to say goodbye or just stand there and deny the truth and miss the opportunity to say goodbye to your only son?

My eyes start to water, I can't deny it, if I do, I'd miss my last chance to say it to him properly. My brain plays a flashback to 1914, holding my brother in my arms as he died from bleeding out. I hug him, for the last time.

Y/N: I-I'm going to miss you, you little bastard.

B: Dad, I'm almost two foot taller than you.

Y/N: shut up, I'm trying to say something. I'm going to miss you. I know I don't say it often or enough, but I'm proud of you, I love you, and I'm sorry I can't save you.

My tears fully overtake my eyes and I start full blown crying, and let out a ferocious roar of anguish, then hug my only son, who hugs me.

B: Love you too dad, and, it's okay. Tell mom and sis I love them okay?

Y/N: o-o-of course B, I'll let them know

B: goodbye dad, it was a honor being your son

He weakly salutes, then he goes limp. Everyone around us look on, and they all walk over, putting their hands on my back. The blood soaking my uniform is inconsequential, I can get a new uniform, but what I can't get is another Blitzo Fritz Jakob Heinz Fuchs, why did I make his name so long? That doesn't matter. I stand up and pick up his corpse.

Y/N: I'm sorry

I said simply, walked to the nearby funeral home, Rest In Peace son, see you around.

Chapter End

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