Train To Nowhere

422 36 23

A/N: This story is heavily inspired by the film 'Jab We Met'! You don't have to watch it to understand, but I highly recommend it!


Cho Sangwoo had a reputation as a poised, intelligent businessman. He had graduated top of his class from Seoul National University, every mother's dream for their child. He currently worked as an investment banker, and although the pay was usually more than substantial, the company's reputation had taken a major hit in recent times. An employee had been sued for lying and stealing money from his clients. Sangwoo's once tolerable, somewhat pleasant work environment transformed into a living hell. Sanity grew thin amongst them as people feared losing their jobs. There was constant yelling, employees running late, coffee spilling. Enduring those circumstances for eight hours a day on repeat would drive anyone mad.

Sangwoo was currently seated in a meeting to discuss how to handle the company's decline in clients. The conference remained civil for mere minutes before breaking into a vicious uproar. People hurled arguments and insults at each-other in pure disorganised chaos. Sangwoo was silent. His mind distanced their words and his surroundings. Is this what I'll be doing until I die? I worked my ass off to be successful in life yet I'm stuck in a room with these morons. He thought.

Without a word, Sangwoo rose out of his seat and exited the room. His coworkers either didn't notice or had no care, for no one asked about him leaving. He entered the men's bathroom and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He saw a pathetic man. Single, despite his dashing appearance. His looks attracted many women, but he never pursued them. The main reason being his interest in males. Even then, he wasn't emotionally available for a relationship. He hardly anyone to call a friend either. The only person he had was his mother, yet he was too embarrassed to tell her the truth about the company's downfall. The building's atmosphere felt suffocating. He didn't want to look at himself anymore. With a huff, he walked out and made his way to the entrance, desperate for fresh air.


Sangwoo aimlessly roamed the streets of Seoul with a cigarette between his lips, not caring where his legs took him. He gradually felt more at ease. The white clouds overhead blocked the sunlight, giving the city a greyscale appearance. He came to a halt. His mind had cleared, and he took the chance to survey his surroundings. The train station. Sangwoo contemplated for a moment. He wasn't religious, or a big believer in fate. But he figured this was a sign. A sign to escape his mundane, melancholy life. A getaway from these people and all of his problems lying in this city. He had no clue where this train was headed. He didn't have any luggage on him. He hadn't even bought a ticket. And he couldn't bring himself to care. All he knew was that he'd rather be anywhere else. The train was about to leave anyways, people were hurrying to get on board at the last minute. Fuck it.


"Quick, quick, load this luggage!" Gihun ran beside the train, frantically passing his bags of belongings onto the moving vehicle.
"Sir, please get in!" The person loading his bags instructed. "Don't worry about me!" Gihun yelled back. The young man passed two more bags and sped up despite the burn in legs. With the help of the luggage man, he got in safely.

Gihun hunched over with his hands on his knees and panted heavily, attempting to catch his breath. He looked up and noticed numerous eyes turned in his direction. "Phew, I thought wouldn't make it! Got real lucky, huh?" He laughed, hand coming to scratch the back of his neck. As the luggage man began storing his belongings, Gihun travelled through the compartments to find his assigned seat. He had chosen the compartment that no one preferred, because he enjoyed travelling in seclusion. He kept his gaze low, reading the numbers on the seats. 20,21,22...23!

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