Chapter 4: Scary Love

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A loud ring pealed through the hush of the night as Gihun pressed the doorbell. He was practically bouncing in excitement, like a puppy seeing their owner with treats. The door was opened by a little boy. Sangwoo recognised him as the same one from Gihun's photo. "Hi Cheol!" Gihun bent down to greet him with a warm smile. The child's face brightened with an expression to match his. "Uncle is here!" Cheol yelled and tugged Gihun's hand to lead him inside, Sangwoo trailing close behind.

Sangwoo's eyes flittered around every crevice of the mansion, from the rich mahogany at his feet to the intricate floral details lining the wallpaper. The ceiling was dome-shaped and remarkably high. Displayed on cabinets were expensive vases made with the finest china, as well as many other unique showpieces. Sangwoo caught glimpses into the other rooms as they tread through the lengthy hallway. He saw lavish furniture and decoration which probably cost more than his life.   

The Seong's were seated together in the living room. Upon seeing Gihun, an elderly woman rose and approached them. Gihun placed his bags on the floor and pulled her into a tender embrace. "Son! It's been too long; Visit your mother more often."
"Of course." They exchanged cheek kisses. Another man joined them as they pulled away. He was tall and rather handsome, appearing to be around Gihun's age. "Long time no see, brother." He grinned. "Not long enough. You haven't aged a day since I last saw you!" Gihun hugged him as well, rubbing his back affectionately. "You don't look so bad yourself."

A teenage girl watched them intently. "Hey old man." She said, nodding at Gihun in acknowledgement. "Ah, Saebyeok! You've grown. You cut your hair too!" Saebyeok hummed, rubbing a few strands between her fingertips. "Children, give your uncle a hug!" Gihun's mother ordered. Saebyeok wrapped and arm around his middle, using the other to give him a fist-bump. Cheol attempted to give him a proper hug, small arms only reaching as high as his abdomen. Gihun's face reflected the deepest emotion of warmth and familial love.

Sangwoo's feeling of enamour towards the scene was tainted by an underlying dash of envy. He never had this. Not as a child, nor as an adult. There was no one for him to come home to, no one to greet him with such affection. No one to bring him gifts. The ambience of the Seong household was one of fondness and security, a sharp contrast Sangwoo's own home where despondency hung in the air. Within his bathroom walls he had attempted to put a permanent end to his misery. The attempt failed, of course, but the memory remained fresh in his mind. Every time he stepped inside his apartment, the heavy despair in the atmosphere would latch onto him like shackles, dragging him down to suffocate. The sight before his eyes at that moment felt so incredibly foreign. Having a family who loved him, and him having a family to love was a surreal thought he had never entertained.  

"Gihun, who is that?" Asked an elderly man on the couch. Everyone in the room suddenly became aware of Sangwoo's presence. He shifted awkwardly at the number of eyes focused on him. "Father, this man is my saviour!" Gihun placed a hand on his shoulder. "I missed my train twice and he brought me all the way from Cheonan-si to Busan!" Everyone between the two of them in disbelief. "Is he a friend of yours? How did you miss your train? How did you get here?" Gihun's mother asked, utterly confused about what happened to her son. "Tell us the whole story uncle!" Cheol chimed excitedly. Gihun chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll tell you at dinner. Don't you want to open the presents?" Cheers of agreement filled the room.

Everyone moved to form a circle on the rug-covered floor. You don't belong here, a voice echoed in Sangwoo's head. He was a friend to Gihun but a stranger to his family. He couldn't just waltz in and invade their intimate time. "Gihun, I should leave."  "Nonsense. Sit down, Sangwoo-ah." Gihun patted the floor next to him. He bit the inside of his cheek. It didn't feel right to him still, but he complied because he didn't want to disappoint his hyung. "Sangwoo can stay for now, right?"
"If he's a friend of yours then sure! The more the merrier." Junho flashed a grin in his direction. Sangwoo flushed red, averting his gaze. No one seemed to have any protests. He had Gihun on his right, and Cheol on his left. The child stared at him with curiosity.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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