Chapter 2: Nightcrawlers

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Shit shit shit!

Gihun sank to his knees, hands covering his face. How could he fuck up so badly? This time he had no one to blame but himself. Not to mention he had wasted Sangwoo's efforts to get him there. Gihun rose to his feet and entered the building to talk to the stationmaster.

Gihun explained the situation in hysterics. The old man had to ask him to calm down and take a breath so he could understand. He stared at Gihun pointedly after he had repeated the information. "The next station is Suwon. I will call their stationmaster and ask them to hold your luggage. That's all I can do."

"But how will I get there?"

"That's for you to figure out. Who told you to get off the train? You should've been smarter." Gihun nodded, the weight of shame and disappointment setting in his stomach. "You see, life is a railway in itself. One small mistake, and you will be derailed." Gihun stopped him right there. "If I wanted a lecture I would've asked for it. You've helped enough. Now goodnight." He said sharply, turning on his heel and walking out the door. The stationmaster grumbled about how this generation's youth lacked respect for elders.


"Hey! Mister!" Gihun's mood lightened seeing that same taxi driver waiting in his car outside. He looked up from praying. Upon seeing Gihun, he turned and drove off. Gihun deflated. His only option was to find a place to stay for the night and catch the next train in the morning. He pulled out his phone intending to search for a motel nearby. The closest one was still a fair walking distance, but it was the best he could find. The phone battery flashed bright red. He made a mental note to conserve the remaining percentage since his charger was in his travel bag.

The city wasn't particularly lively this late at night, but it wasn't empty. A motorcycle slowed down beside Gihun as he walked. The man riding looked to be in his 40s, skin wrinkled and greasy black hair sitting on his shoulders. His arms were coated in odd tattoos. Gihun payed no attention, until the guy spoke to him. "What's someone like you doing all alone, hm? Come with me."
"Excuse me?" The biker threw him a suggestive wink, making Gihun wince in disgust. "Just you and me, my place. All night." Gihun was flabbergasted by this man's audacity. "No way in hell." He sped up his pace. The sleazy male wasn't pleased with his answer, speeding to his side once again. "Seriously? If you want money then I'll give it to you. You know you want to."

Fear clouded Gihun's mind. Every turn he made, the guy accompanied him, spewing gross offers and insistent pleas as if he were a cheap prostitute. Just as he thought there was no way of getting rid of the creep, he saw a figure down the street standing underneath a lamp. Gihun felt a rush of relief recognising the tall, broad frame and sleek businessman attire. Without hesitation, he bolted. The biker called out to him, saying he should stop making such a fuss, but didn't chase after him immediately.

Sangwoo jumped at the familiar voice calling his name and someone appearing in front of him, bracing two hands on his shoulders. Gihun? Sangwoo's confusion doubled when a guy pulled up next to them on a motorbike. The creep seemed more excited by Sangwoo's presence rather than threatened, much to Gihun's dismay. "Is this your bitch? Care to share him with me? The more the merrier." He smirked. "Pardon?" Sangwoo frowned. Share him? His confusion cleared when he registered Gihun's terrified expression. "Gihun, who is this clown? Is he harassing you?" He asked. Gihun whimpered, suddenly wrapping his arms around his middle. "Just play along." He whispered in his ear. He gave no time for Sangwoo to react before pressing his lips together.

His brain short-circuited. Gihun was kissing him. He froze for mere seconds, processing what was happening before he found himself relaxing against the other male and moving his lips in the same rhythm, hands falling on the tiny waist. He knew what Gihun's plan was, and he had no complaints. Gihun was annoyingly attractive and a good kisser. He decided to enjoy the act while it lasted. With the knowledge that the creep was still watching them, they pulled away (albeit, reluctantly). "I suggest you leave me and my partner alone, or I will not hesitate to call the cops on your musty ass. I'm the CEO of a tech company, and I have many powerful associates in law. Do not test me." Sangwoo warned. "Whatever. I'm out." He said grumpily, turning on his bike and speeding into the distance.

"Are you okay?" Sangwoo asked Gihun in pure concern. As many questions as he had, the main being 'what on earth are you doing here?', the other male was clearly shaken up. "Y-Yeah. It was just scary. God knows what would have happened if you weren't here when you were." Gihun ran a hand through his hair. "And I'm sorry about the kiss, I know it was unexpected but it was the only thing I could think of."
"Don't apologise. Your plan worked." Sangwoo smiled. Gihun nodded, a delicate flush blooming on his cheeks. He felt guilty for kissing another man whilst in a relationship. But he reminded himself that it was purely for the sake of his own safety. What Gongyoo didn't know won't hurt him. "There's a motel nearby. You have money, let's spend the night there. Unless you want to roam the streets until morning." Gihun said.

Sangwoo agreed. The two walked beside each other whilst exchanging conversation. "How did you miss your train again?"
"Well it's a funny story actually... The water seller was charging 2000 won for one bottle! Isn't that ridiculous? I started arguing with them because they were practically robbing people."
"Well you have to consider the cost of materials, logos, suppliers, quality-" "Shush! Anyways, I don't have any other excuses. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and I didn't realise the train was already leaving. I'm sorry about putting you through all that trouble Sangwoo." Sangwoo chuckled, shaking his head. "I expect nothing less from you."
"But this is fun too, right? Exploring the streets of Cheonan-si! I've never been here before." Sangwoo raised an eyebrow. "You are quite a character. You should be kept in a museum."

"People charging to be in my presence would be a huge ego boost." Gihun laughed, "And what about yourself? Who gets on a train not knowing where they're going? Then gets off at a random station in the middle of the night?" Sangwoo says nothing, smile fading. "Guess we're both odd specimens, huh? Maybe we'd have our exhibits next to each other." Gihun unsuccessfully attempted to ease the awkwardness. "Anyways, enough of that, which cities have you visited? Surely a businessman like you travels often." Sangwoo doesn't respond. Gihun feels bad knowing he probably hit a nerve. "Sangwoo-ah, I'm sorry. I went too far. Forgive me." Gihun gave him his best puppy eyes. No one was able to resist! Sangwoo coughed, his reserved attitude changing into fluster. He pointed to the structure in front of them. "We're here."


The lady at the front desk wore a bored expression, but smirked when she eyed the pair. "How much do you charge for one night?" Sangwoo asked, pulling his credit card from his wallet. "Wouldn't you rather be charged on an hourly basis?" She looked between them with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "I should also inform you that all rooms are soundproofed." She continued. The two men blushed at the implication. "The whole night." Sangwoo confirmed. The curly-haired woman shrugged, writing down their names and providing a room key.

"Can you believe how unprofessional she is? Making inappropriate assumptions about customers as if it's any of her business." Sangwoo ranted. Gihun look at the clock ticking on the wall. "It's late. I'm really tired, today was hectic." Sangwoo nodded. "I checked the bus routes, the earliest leaves at 7:30. We should sleep as much as we can. Tomorrow will be busier." Gihun looked at him with wide eyes. "Bus? Where are we going?"
"Didn't you ask me to take you to Busan? That's what I'm doing." Gihun could hardly believe what he was hearing. The ridiculousness of everything that was happening dawned upon him. He was in a hotel with a man who he had known for less than a day, and tomorrow he was going to take him across the country.

Sangwoo was reserved and mysterious. Gihun didn't understand him. He didn't even want to talk to Gihun when they had met, and now he was willing to take him places and spend money on him out of pure kindness? It felt too good to be true. Gihun was anxious. Judging by the lack of couch in the room, they would be sharing a bed tonight. Did he have the same intentions has the creep on the motorbike? Gihun glanced up at Sangwoo folding his jacket and placing it on a chair. Neither of them had a change of clothes, Gihun was lucky he decided to dress comfortable for the trip. "I learnt Taekwondo, you know."

Sangwoo turned around with a questioning expression. "So?"
"I'm just telling you. I've fought in competitions, I injured almost all of my opponents." Gihun eyed him warily. Sangwoo sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm not going to try anything."
"I don't think you will, but just in case you do."

Sangwoo couldn't blame him for being cautious. He had no plans of doing that to Gihun, but from the other male's point of view he could understand the fear. Sangwoo himself didn't know why he was now willing to do anything for this man when at first all he wanted was to get rid of him. "Okay." Gihun lay down on the right side of the bed with his back to Sangwoo, getting comfortable underneath the covers. Sangwoo set his glasses on the nightstand and turned off the light, then did the same. "Goodnight, Sangwoo." Gihun said into the darkness. "Goodnight, hyung."

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