Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Lawe expected her to resist or smack him, not that either would have stopped him, but the moment his lips touched hers she softened. Her body pressed closer to his and she drew her arms up around his neck. He cursed and pulled away.

“You’re exhausted and we both need rest,” he rasped past the lump in his throat.

“A wolf in sheep clothing?” she smiled. “I’ll rest when I’m dead.” With that she pulled him back to her and crashed her lips to his. She couldn’t understand why he was different. She’d kissed other men and it had been nice, but this was more. She wanted more.

“This is probably a bad idea,” he said breaking the kiss again, but he didn’t pull away this time, instead he started kissing across her jaw line and she leaned her head to the side to give him better access. He felt her stiffen and push him away.

“What?” he asked looking at her shocked face.

“You bit me,” she said. He watched as she pulled her hand away from her neck and could clearly see the shape of his teeth outlined in red. He touched his lips and then looked at his fingers and saw blood.

“I didn’t…I’m…Dammit, I told you to rest!” he said wiping the blood from his mouth.

“You bite me and I get yelled at?” she asked planting her hands on her hips. He didn’t answer he just turned and left the room. She couldn’t get the look of surprise on his face out of her mind. Something told her he had no idea he’d bitten her until he pulled away. He came back and thrust a first aid kit into her hands.

“Clean up and go to bed.” He wouldn’t look at her, he couldn’t look at her as he turned around again to leave, but he stopped at the door. “I’m sorry. I…I lost control.”

“You…” she started, but he was gone. She wanted to tell him that it was okay. That the bite had hurt, but even after that she wasn’t afraid of him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He hadn’t done anything to make her believe anything different of him. She stood up and the room started to spin. She quickly sat back down, but the dizziness continued. She knew this feeling and the last time it had happened she woke up in the hospital with Jamie hovering over her like a mother hen, but that time she didn’t have anything to worry about. She knew no matter what that Jamie would take care of her, but now Lawe was mad at her and there was no telling if or when he would check on her.  She stood up and tried to move toward the door, but after the first step crashed to the floor.

He hadn’t wanted to leave, but he was afraid what else he might do to her. He couldn’t believe he’d lost control. He took a deep breath and sunk down into his desk chair. He needed to make things right with her, but he didn’t know how. He jumped when he heard a loud thump and rushed up the steps. “Lex?”


Blythe pushed her glasses up on her nose. It amazed her that her creators had been able to make her see perfectly in the dark, but were unable to foresee her being farsighted. They’d realized when she was just a kitten and she had trouble reading some of the medical journals they provided. Once they realized the problem they decided on laser surgery to correct it. Her brain was too valuable to simply dispose of her, but she refused the surgery. She believed then that her small flaw made her more human. Since she really wasn’t expected to do field work and she was their first exploration with genetic intelligence boosters they allowed it.

All those years learning about their genetic makeup and she was completely unaware of what she was reading now; they’d kept this from her and while she was used to being kept in the dark about some things, this was big. She reread the paragraph hoping she was wrong.

“A bacterial agent has been found in the saliva of the mated Ferals. When passed on to the mate it seems to be harmless as both subjects have the same bacterial agent.” She frowned. If something was going to happen it wasn’t going to be in these files. All of these were records of feral couples. Lex was human.

Her friendship with Lawe and Lex made her next decision hard. If there was a bacteria and it was going into Lex’s system it could be dangerous. She may need to be quarantined from other humans and Ferals alike. She tapped her foot nervously. She’d never seen Lawe the way he was when he was with Lex. He gave her room to breathe and compromised even when it wasn’t the safest move. It may not seem like a lot to Lex, but for Lawe it was huge. His name itself summed it up. Lawe and his word was just that; Law. He was among the strictest of the Alphas, he wasn’t one to cross.

If he found out that there was a dangerous bacterium he would blame Duane for bringing Lex here or blame himself for exposing her to it. He’d send her away and maybe even exile Duane. She sighed. It didn’t matter because it would have to wait until morning. She would take some samples from both of them and see what the results told her.

She stood up and stretched her arms over her head. She’d felt good fighting Ryker today. It had been a long time since she had to use her combat fighting and she wasn’t the least bit disappointed in herself and she wasn’t even trained the same as Lawe and the others. She paused as there was a frantic knock on her door and rushed to answer it.

“Get your supplies and come quick, its Lex.”

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