Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ryker stood up and wiped the blood off of his lip. He could tell Sinclair wasn’t satisfied with the beating he’d gotten but there was only so much a human could do to him.

“What the hell did I pay so much money for you for? You can’t even handle two girls.” Ryker smiled at the frustration he heard coming from Sinclair’s voice. Sinclair wasn’t overly tall but the man had stock. His dark brown hair was cut conservatively making him look like the clean cut man he should have been. In all honesty he was just a kid that wanted to walk on the wild side and found he liked it. His family was staked in every seedy part of Trenton City. It only took a small push to get his parents to accept his new course of life. He was also the family screw up and everyone knew it.

“Both of them had more than enough training to kick your ass and you don’t own me; I’m just a rental. You don’t have enough money to own me, not even your uncle could pull those kinds of strings. The only reason I’m here is because you slipped and let them know how strong she was. They looked into it and found out that she was a second generation Natural. No genetic changes made at the birth of either of her parents and she was as healthy as any other human with the genetic changes. In fact she’s probably healthier than most of them.” Sinclair raised his hand as if to hit him again. Instead of shrinking back, Ryker met his eyes. “You hit me again and I’ll kill you. Before you say your uncle would do anything to retaliate I’ve got some information that they are going to want to hear.” Ryker had been more than positive since he first met Sinclair he’d have to kill him. In fact he relished the idea, though he would forgo it if it meant he could safely get his daughter out of the labs.

“You listen to me Mighty Mouse, my uncle put me in charge of bringing the girl in and he offered you up to help…”

 “He offered me to make sure you didn’t screw up,” Ryker said.

“Any information that you plan to give them you could just as easily let me pass along,” Sinclair finished ignoring Ryker. Ryker started laughing, at first it was slow starting and almost quiet, then it erupted into an obnoxious taunting laugh.

“Did you ever think that you screwed up so much that I was directed by someone higher up then your uncle to report any news about the girl directly to them, that maybe everyone was tired of cleaning up after you?”

“Tell me what you know,” Sinclair said in a calm voice. Ryker sensed the dangerous course he was taking, but he also knew that in the end this was something he was just going to have to grin and bear. It would prevent him from having to give the information he held to the higher ups and that would buy him enough time to get Sydney out, that was his main goal and being in the infirmary was going to get him closer to where she was. They took good care of their injured foot soldiers, especially one they thought they had leverage over. As long as they had Sydney they did.

“I won’t tell a little shit like you what I know. I was told to report any news to Isadora directly.” He smiled when Sinclair started to turn red at the mention of the VP of the FFS and quickly braced himself against the first blow. He knew that soon he would pull the guards into the fight he just had to goad him into it. A day healing and he would get Sydney out of here if it was the last thing he did. One thing was for sure Sinclair would be dead as soon as Sydney was safe. He’d sealed his fate when he threw that punch.


Lex’s eyes fluttered open and she looked around the room, immediately she latched onto the large form of Lawe standing in front of the window, his head hanging forward against the glass, almost as though he were praying.

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