Blind Creation

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Blind Creation


The scientist was busy at work in a small little room with a small little lamp hovering over him only able to light a part of the room and the edges remained dark. If he has done his calculations right his experiment would be just like he hoped for. Sweat coated his forehead even though it wasn’t hot at all it was the pressure running through his head. The project was taking a little longer than he liked. The only reason he agreed to the terms was the money he didn’t care about the sob story of why they wanted it. A woman and man came to him asking him to create a child for then to love and care for. He try to tell them it wasn’t natural to create such a thing many things would go wrong but the woman cried begging him they would do anything for it and that was when money got involved. He was a clever bargainer and made sure it was worth it. The government has been investigating him lately though searching his house for clues of his experiments he was not allowed to do anything without permission but the government but it didn’t stop him. The scientist always wonder what it would be like to live life by the edge but if you get to close you could fall off he took note of it and carefully hid away in a cabin in the swamp adding last touches making it human like. Unlike his kind though he made the experiment capable of more things than anyone like being able to feel more than one emotion at an event and already knowing all the knowledge the history has provide making it easier if it was to go to school.

The scientist head jerked up. He looked around nervous thinking he heard something a knock or a twig snap. He wasn’t sure how long he could keep this place a secret he had no friends to tell everyone he knew called him a crazy man who should be left alone. He felt lonely most of the time but he was too smart to let that to go to his head he buried himself in work and reading. At least a book wouldn’t call you names and stab you in the back it was always comforting getting lost inside another world that is not your own and looking through different point of views. Also there was food that could help you in anything and didn’t turn disgusting unless it was passed its expiration date.

He heard a slight knock now at the door his eyes lock on it and the question was now should he answer it. Wiping up the sweat on his sleeve he staggers toward the door and trip over a few pots and pans filled with strange smelling liquids. The door creaked open revealing a small figure a woman hunch over. It was the woman who struck the deal with him.

“Welcome, what brings you this hour?” The man spoke with a shaky voice he was deeply concentrated on his project right night. He glanced outside where it looked like it was about to storm you could hear hums of deep rumbling outside. He craved for the storm to hit so he could once again see Mother Nature at work. She fumbled at a note and look at the scientist.

“You said you were going to be done tonight and I was hoping you could bring her to our place so when she wakes she won’t have to move around as much.” The way the woman said she was with care as if it was the world to her and it could quickly turn into rage if he said no and the situation would be bad.

“Yes I understand let’s do it before it rains.” She smiled and walked over to the experiment. She scanned it for any imperfections but nothing she disproved.

Moving a body from one place to another was harder than the scientist thought. Especially since there would be guardians on the street they were supposed to be protectors of them but it was just a way for the government to control your life. As they approach the house it appeared to monster over them. The mansion stood tall and proud having their family symbol painted on it: an Olive tree with a tiger lying below it. The design on the tiger was done with beautiful craftsmen work and the tree stretch out where it looked like it was supposed to be a part of the house. These family ancestors cause our country to be at peace again and ended the war that has been going on for about 60 years. That is where the Olive tree found it way in but the tiger was for the warrior and part played in the war. The yard was huge with plenty of trees growing around it. He glances behind the house and saw labyrinth maze of gorgeous flowers. Most people wouldn’t notice it but he has done work on himself when he became bored so he improved his eyesight and he could see at night now. All of this was hidden by fence of brick wall covering any unwanted eyes looking at their house.

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