Chapter 3

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My servant should be here any second.  I been pacing back and forth waiting for the bird to come with any interesting news.  The cave here wasn't cutting it but this is where I meet with him to keep my secret.  I heard walking towards me but to my disappointment it was just werewolf.  It was truly boring here on the reservoir well in my part where I was suppose to be.  Maybe i could head to the island after this and enjoy a cup of tea or throw some sort of party.  I heard flapping then a flash so I rushed over to the edge of the cave.

"Finally you kept me waiting a little too long."  I said relive at the same time happy she was finally here.

"I know master and I do apologise for that but I have some good news for you."  She smirked at him with ones of those grins that you never going to believe what I got in store for you.

"Lets eat some dinner and talk it over."  Walking through the cave he walked arrogantly like he own the place.  If you look around the cave you will see that it wasn't just any cave it was carved into rooms with detailed designs everywhere of their kind.  Torches lite their path easily they walk through to the dinning room. 

The dining room was huge with one long stone table in the middle of it covered with exotic food that no human would even think of touching but no humans were in miles of this place so no one every would see this place that wasn't invited in. 

Walking into the dinning room to my disappointment once again others where their were other unwanted ears.  They all thought I was their friend but even with friends there are still things you don't tell them.  My servant sits down beside me forever loyal to me but I would get a knew one once this one dies off like the rest it would be sad to see her go she had wonderful hearing and sight and was somewhat intelligent.  Everyone looked at me as I sat down it was like a meeting but some days they didn't bother to show but today they all appeared.

"Hello everyone glad to see you made it alright."  I said my voice echo through the cave but I set a protection spell around us so no one else could hear but who was suppose to.  "Great news today my servant would like to share she said that it was good."  Everyone made a pleasing noise when I said that.  I nod to the servant to start to talk. 

"So I been out again looking for news that would catch my master's eye and I flew high and low and I founded something."  She paused to let people wonder some.  I start to pick food and put it on my plate picking out a few potions and my favorite fruit the Dragon fruit it was spiky and had a flushed color of purple around it with the top of the fruit left with green.  "We all know a rich family called the Marx right?  Well now they have a daughter not a baby though she looks around 16 and just appeared the other day.  I watch through the window of their house while the inquisitor talk to her.  He question her but she gave him a unrealistic answers for her age.  She never looked him in the eyes once but she somehow found out he was a vampire."  Everyone gasped at that through all his years he have never heard of something like that. 

"How did she notice?"  I blurted out. 

"She said he was too cold to be human, and she notice he didn't take one breathe during the whole conversation.  She called him a daylighter."  The servant pick up a glass of water and drink some of it before continuing.  "The girl walks carefully like she feels her way but blinks normally and smiles at everyone.  She went to see a scientist also but nothing interesting happen there she knock on the door for about five minuets before anyone answer and then the door slammed in my face before I could see the face of the scientist.  The sick part of it all is she named her maid actually a name not name calling she named it Taylor."  I stared at my servant carefully waiting to see if she would continue but she sat down looking scared.  I never named my servants but I never thought much of it they are just someone here to serve me.

"Did you happen to catch a name my servant."  I said loud.

"Her name is Scarlett master she soon will be seeing the government but I didn't get a date when."  She said hunched over eating some food.  I glance up at everyone at the table lost in their own thoughts perhaps.

"That is impossible are you lying to me we all know the Marx can't have a child they have tried before but they couldn't and one just doesn't pop out of the blue."  I said in anger.

"I am telling you the truth master you want to see her for yourself I bet."  I did to be honest want to see this girl she strike as a concernment to me. 

"What should we do then?"  I said to everyone. The werewolf in the corner was delirious he always was mad and crave to kill.

"I say we kill her before anything gets out of hand."  No shocker the werewolf said that.  The vampire nodded but said,

"Torture it out of her find out what all she knows and then kill her."  There was no happy ending for this girl but maybe it was meant to be that way or I could find a solution we all would be happy with.

"You said she is going to see the government.  Maybe before she gets a chance we could have her take a visit down here to see us."  I said smiling.  Everyone stared at me confused and wanted me to continue to talk.  I didn't want to harm the girl yet it wasn't in my nature to kill easily like a werewolf or vampire was.  "She has to go to school and when she does her school will take a trip down here to see us.  To see how horrible we are.  When they visit I will kidnap her and question her and telling her or influence her to tell the government a message and then I will release her back to her home and tell her where to send us a letter to and we will write back treating her maid and her so called parents."  It seemed like a good plan and nothing was going to ruin it.

"We want to see the girl too Silas you shouldn't just get the pleasure of it too."  We they said my name it got my attention. 

"We will cross that bridge when we get there but for now we got to convince a school to let them come visit us."  I said smirking to myself.  This was one case I was not going to miss an opportunity to miss out on.  This world has changed a lot since I been on here but I know for one thing that I was not going to give up on such a rare sight of one of a humans that finally stand out.  This girl Scarlett stood out in ways no other human has in my years.  I haven't met a human smart enough knowing what you are and your weakness she could be a great weapon if I could convince to come to our side or maybe she was already on it and she didn't even know. 

"Servant could you print me a picture of what you saw of her I want to know what she looks like."  The servant hurried away trying to please me.  It was a life goal of any kind of slave creature to be pleasing to their master if not there was no reason to live life if the one person never approved of you.  The table was now empty except for a close friend of mine.  The vampire girl her name was Ellie she walks towards me smiling.

"Amusing what a human girl can do that strike us as strange isn't it."  she said.  All vampires were beautiful but Ellie was about good as you cold get.  She had golden like hair, big eyes, pale skin, and her scar on her throat she put diamonds over it as most girl vampires did. 

"Yes."  I muttered lowly we had a on and off relationship it happens when you know in a 100 years the only person you might know is her.  We live together teasing eachother with news and betting on who the next person of rich families will kick the bucket.  Ellie did have different views then me and lately she became more aggressive she was an old vampire I would take her to be wiser than that. 

"Maybe she isn't human."  she said lightly. 

"That could be possible."  I said considering that before I could say anything else my servant came running up with an image.  The girl had dark brown hair, which made her blue eyes pop some, a clear face.  This girl Scarlett reminded me of someone I used to know and loved.

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