Ch. 3

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The second day of school is filled with the same jargon as the first, just this time, I have to start my photography assignment after school. Being assigned to capture the footie team while they're practicing isn't the most ideal situation for me. The coach knows I'll be there, whether he's informed his team is a different question. I walk straight to the sideline and start taking my camera out of its bag. Too focused on adjusting the settings, I don't hear anyone approach me.

"Oh, are you stalking me now Styles?" an oh-so-familiar voice breaks the silence.

"Oh Tomlinson, you should know that no one is worth that much of my voluntary time, anymore at least," I retort without even looking up at him. There's a silence after that and I can just see the shocked face he's portraying.

"I didn't think you were one to sass someone so quickly," he says as if he has the right to comment on the person, I've become due to his negligence.

"Everyone changes in high school, especially those who had to learn how to live without the two people who kept them going," I say before walking away to start taking pictures of the team starting to line up in front of the goal.

"Tomlinson, get your ass over here and do your part as captain," the coach belts, but I don't care.


After the practice, I pack up my stuff and talk to the coach about exactly what shots he wants of his team and when he'd like me to be present. After we establish a rough schedule, I make my way out of the stadium and to where I parked my car. Of course, I hear the rapid sound of football boots hitting the ground behind me. I let out a sigh and unlock my car so I can put my camera bag into the passenger seat. I close the door and lean on it to look up at Louis, again.

"And you called me a stalker, are you sure it's not the other way around?" I ask bitterly. He doesn't react, he just ignores what I said.

"What did you mean when you said you lost the two most important people to you?" he asks hastily. I laugh bitterly and look off to the side with my tongue pushing against the inside of my cheek.

"No, you don't get to do that. You don't get to treat me like trash for years and then pretend you care while picking apart my baggage. Just, no," I state while making my way around to the driver's seat. "If you really wanna know, ask your mom, she bothered to show up to the funeral," I snap and shut the door while I start the engine. I give him a pointed look and he moves away so I can pull away.


I stand there shell-shocked for a second before making my way to my car. I throw my stuff into the back seat and make my way home. Once I open the door to the house, I call for my mother.

"Mum? Where are you?" I ask while taking off my shoes. When I hear her response from the kitchen, I make my way to her. I find her cooking dinner over the stove and kiss her on the cheek quickly when I pass her on my way to grab a snack.

"What's up Lou, everything okay?" she asks, and I slouch in response. She lowers the heat on the stove and turns around to look at me. "What's wrong?" she asks with concern lacing her voice.

"Um... who passed away in the Styles family?" I ask with little hesitance. Her eyes widen and she turns back to the stove.

"Why are you asking?" she returns. I huff and walk up next to her to get an answer.

"Who was it? When did it happen? Why didn't I know?" I ramble with questions. She rolls her eyes and pointedly doesn't look at me.

"Robin passed away two years ago. He and Harry were on their way home from one of their weekend trips and got hit by a drunk driver. Robin swerved so Harry would get less of the impact. Harry only had a concussion and scrapes. Robin was pronounced dead at the scene. Anne called me, I tried to tell you, but you were already halfway out the door on your way to Stan's house. I attended the funeral. You saw me dressed up and asked where I was going. I told you I was going to a funeral, but before I could tell you who's, you were already gone. All your sisters know since they listened to me. Lottie and Fizzy didn't think they were welcome, so they didn't go. The twins were too young to completely understand what happened and they barely understood who Robin was. Do you have any idea just how broken Harry was, and probably still is? Imagine him going through that and then his best friend not being there for him through it. But again, I don't think you even considered him a part of your life at that point," she finishes and turns back to the stove.

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