Ch. 6

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"So, Harry, how have your classes been going? I heard that you're photographing the football team this year, how's that going?" Jay asks from the head of the table while setting up the youngest pair of twins in their highchairs. I look down at my lap where my fingers are fiddling with my rings and picking my nails and I plaster on the fakest smile I can, knowing Jay will see right through it.

"Um, yeah classes are okay, it's a little early in the semester to really know how they're going to go, but I think I can confidently say I'm going to hate government. Actually, I have Anatomy with Lou; I don't know if he told you. We're lab partners. As for photography, yeah, I'm assigned the football team and dances. I don't really know how to feel about it, neither are really my scene. The dances overwhelm me, and I haven't been to a football game in... years. Anyways, yeah. And I'm sure they told you, but I work at Cuppa now, it's nice. It gives me something to do and I make pretty good pay. So yeah," I answer and glance up at her briefly before taking a small bite of the dinner she prepared. It's good, really good, it tastes just like I remember it. I just don't have a big appetite, I haven't for a few years now.

"That's so cool! Are you going to be at Lou Lou's games now? Can you sit with us?" Daisy perks up and bounces in her seat. Suddenly I can feel Louis' eyes burning into the side of my head from where he's seated next to Lottie. I once again keep my stare on my hands in my lap.

"Um, I'll be at the games, yes, but I won't be able to sit with you lot," I explain sheepishly and Phoebe immediately shows her distaste for the matter by groaning from across the table. "But I mean maybe you can stand with me?" I tag on unsure. The two twins perk up and start squealing. This makes a small smile grace my face, it's been a while since someone has shown genuine happiness at the prospect of being around me. It almost feels weird seeing as the feeling has grown unfamiliar. I mean yeah, there's Taylor, Niall, and Zayn but I still feel like such a burden, and they feel like they have to stay since no one else did.

"Oh um, speaking of, do you know when you're doing our headshots?" Louis speaks up and my head snaps up to look at him. His blue eyes pierce into mine and I try to suppress the shiver that runs down my spine. I clear my throat to answer.

"Oh um, I was thinking next week before the season gets too busy, and while no one is injured yet," I answer and gauge his reaction.

"Okay, sounds good. Maybe we can also talk about specific shots? I know you're supposed to talk about all of this with Coach, but as captain, I think it's good to talk to me about it too. If you're okay with that of course," he smiles sheepishly. I hesitate for a second. I do want to spend more time with him, and I know he said he wanted to too, but when it's school-related it feels forced. But I guess time with Louis is time with Louis, so.

"Yeah, that sounds great! I don't really know where to start with posing you guys, so it would be good to go over. I think the typical poses are so boring, so I wanted to try some new ones. If that's okay," I agree. He lights up and I feel my stomach churn. The idea of Louis being excited to spend time with me one-on-one makes me hopeful that maybe, just maybe, we could end up as close as we used to be. I mean, we fell asleep with each other today and I'd say that's a pretty big step. I hardly notice the small smile creeping onto my face until I notice Louis smile back at me as his face flushes a light pink. Maybe he's thinking the same as me. Maybe things could finally be okay between us again.


Harry smiles at me from across the table and he flushes when he catches me smiling back at him. My heart skips a beat at the sight, and I can't help but wonder if the feelings I had, maybe still have, were really unrequited all those years ago. I mean yeah, he seems to be shyer than he was before, but I can't help but think it's more than that. I was very quick to realize that I looked at Harry differently than everyone else when we were younger, and I would be lying if I said that those feelings no longer remain. I think that anyone with eyes could tell you just how gorgeous he is and he's just the kind of person that you can't help but fall for. How he doesn't have everyone within 50 miles fawning over him is insane to me.

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