Ch. 7

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~ Harry ~

When I get home, I collapse onto my bed, and I can't help the smile that graces my face. I stare at the ceiling and go over everything that happened today. It's hard to think that everything at Cuppa happened only this morning. I catch myself wondering if I did forgive Louis a little too easily, but I can't help the happiness I feel with how quickly he's re-entered my life.

I reach over into my nightstand drawer and take out the picture of me and Louis from a few years ago that I keep in there. In the picture, we're in my living room and I'm sitting on his lap. His arms are wrapped around my middle and my arm is around his neck, my hand toying with his hair. We're trapped in our own little world, looking at each other as if no one else in the world matters. Neither of us was aware of the picture being taken but Dad surprised me with it a few days later.

I've loved and treasured it from the moment Dad gave it to me. After Louis disappeared from my life, it was my biggest hope that maybe one day he would find his way back to me and we could actually happen. I keep it in the drawer of my nightstand to keep it safe and close to me during my moments of weakness.

I admire the photo, running my finger down the side of Louis' face, and smile more knowing that I actually got to do that today. If fourteen-year-old me could see me right now, they'd be speechless. I still can't quite believe that it happened. This past week has been a dream. I went from avoiding Louis like the plague in school all week, to snogging him on his bed like there's no tomorrow. The difference is slightly concerning.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door. I throw the picture back into my nightstand and close the drawer just as my mom appears from behind the opening door. I sit up and take a moment to feel the surprise that she's there, in my doorway, when I barely even see her anymore.

"Hey Mum, what's up?" I ask while toying with the quilt underneath me. She quirks an eyebrow at me and closes the door behind her as she fully enters the room.

"It was my baby's first week of senior year, I want to know how it went!" she exclaims and gingerly takes a seat on the edge of my bed. My eyes widen and I look down at my hands as she looks at me expectingly.

"Oh, well, I mean it was school. Actually, I'm going to be Louis' lab partner this year, so, that's interesting. And um, I was assigned the football team and school dances for my senior assignment. Other than that, it was just syllabus week," I explain. She hums and I look up at her to see a look of confusion.

"Louis? As in your best friend? What's so interesting about being his partner?" she asks, and I feel my heart drop in my chest. Did she not notice that he hadn't been around? I clear my throat and look away from her again.

"Um, Mum, I haven't been friends with Louis for years. This week was the first time I've even spoken to him since sophomore year. I mean I was invited to his house for dinner, but that's the most I've seen him," I explain, her confusion only grows.

"What do you mean?" she asks again, and I feel my eyes welling up with tears.

"Did you really not notice?" I ask desperately. "Mum, he started pushing me away at the beginning of sophomore year and then he never showed up at Dad's funeral. I haven't been friends with him since Dad died. I mean we may become friends again, but... did you really not notice?" I explain, voice shaky and hands gripping to my ankles to ground myself.

"Oh darling, I didn't know!" she admits and that's when I feel the first tear trickle down my cheek. I feel my anger bubble up and before I can think to stop, the words have already left my mouth.

"Well maybe if you were actually around and spent more time with your son than the boyfriend you got a month after your husband died, then maybe you would know. Maybe, if you were actually there for your son while he was grieving instead of galivanting around with a random man, you would've known that these past two years have been hell for me," I snap and lay back down in my bed, turning away from her. "I don't want to see you," I tag on and it's silent as she stares at my back. It takes her a few more minutes before she gets up and leaves the room.

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