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I wake in the mornin', my head spinnin' from the last night
Both in the trance, feelings are dead

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THIS TOWN IS SHIT, I sometimes hate the fact my parents decided to settle down here. But, what can you do? 

I lugged my backpack over my shoulder as I walked down the sidewalk towards college. My first day, how exciting. As I neared the end of the sidewalk, I came to a stop and looked towards the College Green, noticing a pair of  boys who were sat at a table with pints in front of them, "It's 8 in the morning," I said to myself, "What the fuck," I stood there for a moment before I shrugged it off and started to walk again, only to be knocked on my arse by someone riding a skateboard. 

I let out a grunt as I hit the concrete, "Oh, shit," I heard the boy say as he came to a stop and picked his skateboard up off the ground, "I'm sorry," He quickly apologized; I looked up to see him placing his hand out in front of him to help me to my feet. 

I hesitated at first, but placed my hand in his to get pulled up off the ground onto my feet again, "It's alright," I said as I brushed off my jeans, "I was stopped in the middle of the way, got distracted," I then pointed out the boys who were drinking,  "Who drinks lager at 8 in the morning?" I questioned him; a small smile on my lips once I got a better look at the lad I was talking to. He was good looking, that was a fact. 

I watched as he looked over his shoulder towards them, "Jesus," He said to himself before he turned his head back to look at me, "Those are my mates," He then said.

"Oh? So, are you the lager in the morning type of lad too?" I tilted my head to the side slowly and raised a brow.

He shook his head, "Not necessarily, but Cook is."

"Cook? Which one is he?" I questioned; noticing his two mates finally looked over towards us, looking confused at the pair of us talking.

"Red shirt."

"Okay," I nodded; he was a nice looking lad too, even if he was downing a beer this early in the morning, "And the curly-haired one?"

"That is JJ."

"And you?" I then looked back up at him.

"I'm Freddie," He finally introduced himself.

"Right, Freddie, I'm Kat," I then looked towards his mates again before I let out a sigh, "They clearly are waiting for you, and I don't want to be late," I fixed my backpack before I gave him one more quick smile, "Maybe I'll see you later," I started to walk away towards the College Green, "Morning, lads," I said to Freddie's mates as I walked past their table.

They didn't say anything at first, just watched as I walked past their table; I continued my walk to college, once I got there I sat out front where everyone else was gathering before they opened the doors finally and let us all pile in for the first day. The longer I sat there, the more people gathered. Then I saw a yellow car pull up and a red haired girl get out, followed by her twin. I heard girls start to whisper about the older man who dropped the two of them off. "Are you Danny?" Some girl asked him, "That gas-head footy player?" 

I watched him nod and the girl, clearly his girlfriend, stood in the middle of a group of girls who started praising her for her much-older boyfriend. Before I moved from my seat on the bench to stand away from the gossip and praises, a blonde girl and a brunette one started walking towards where I was sat, "Bonkers!" The blonde with pigtails said to her friend, "What's surf and turf, Eff?" 

I watched as they came closer to the bench, the brunette was staring me down as she came closer, "Sex," She simply said, her eyes not moving away from me.

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