Chapter 2

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Elise's POV-

When I took my first step, I disregarded every person looking my way and focused directly at the end of the aisle, craning my neck to view my husband to be for the very first time. It was a long walk from where I stood frozen, but I could see two decorated men standing to the left of the king. My eyes fell on one-the most gorgeous man I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life. He has luscious golden blonde hair that fell past his shoulders, and even from where I was, I could tell his eyes were crystal blue. Muscles protruded from under his formal wear, bulging in just the right places. The smile on his face when he saw me was so sweet, so soft, and pleasant that it felt like home right away.

This was him. This was literally the man I had always envisioned in my dreams. There was nothing different whatsoever. I didn't expect it to be right on the button of my fantasies, but he had managed to fulfill it.

My face turning a bright shade of red, I smiled back, taking my first steps down the aisle runner. Everyone in the room was standing, gawking at me as the organ loudly played. Meanwhile, I could not remove my eyes from the prince. His hands were loosely held together in front of him, his fingers laced as he confidently relaxed whilst still managing to keep his impeccable posture.

Shyly, I clutched my bouquet tightly in my hands, trying to control my anxious breathing. I felt better now that I knew who I was being wed to. It definitely removed most of the weight off my shoulders, as well as in my heart. From even just his outwardly appearance, you could tell that he was a good man.

As each step brought me closer and closer to him, I forced myself to tear my eyes away momentarily. My cheeks were beginning to feel stiff from smiling, now. But how could I not? Would you not be giddy if you found out you were about to marry your literal dream man?

I gazed back at him, my smile refusing to cease from my face. I couldn't really see how he could be a god of mischief, as he appeared so put together. But I suppose there is always a hidden side to people we can never see. Perhaps, he enjoyed pulling shenanigans in his leisure.

Finally, I stepped up to my position and the organ stopped playing.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments" Odin began. "And to cherish the words that shall unite Ida Gasper and Loki Odinson, prince of Asgard, in marriage. Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, to honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their lives with each other. Although this case is special and unique, as you have never seen each other until this moment, it is a symbol of the promises you will have made to each other to grow stronger as individuals, and as partners. No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you will now succeed together. The love you will have between you now joins you as one"

The beautiful, blonde prince turned to the man next to him-one much more slender with long, raven hair and green eyes. He opened the little wooden box he held. The other man removed one of the rings, a deep frown set on his face. Then he looked at me.

My smile instantly faded completely from my face. The beautiful blonde wasn't my prince. The perfect man wouldn't be mine. I had completely overlooked this other man, who now I knew had to be Loki. But he was much more grave looking. The expression on his face was terrifying, like he would kill you at any given time. And the anger in his eyes proved that being here, marrying me, was the last thing he wanted.

"With this hand" he mumbled, taking a wine glass from the table beside Odin and holding up. "I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine." he set down the glass and picked up a crimson candle. "With this candle, I will light your way in darkness" he set it down and squeezed his eyes shut, pausing to compose himself before opening them back up. "And with this ring, I ask you to be mine"

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