Chapter 13

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Ida's POV-

I expected Loki to just go blow off some steam, perhaps take a walk, and then return like a normal person, but he did not. Although, I certainly would not describe him as being a very normal person...

After awhile, I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time for dinner. It was not uncommon for me to lose track of time while reading, in fact it happened nearly daily while I was in the village.

As I thumbed through the wardrobe, I could not help but wonder where Loki was, and if he would show up for the meal. He had seemed pretty upset when he had left, even though he was the one in the wrong.

How awkward would it be when I arrived without him escorting me, especially if he was already there? My assumption was that they would conclude I was being disrespectful. And if he wasn't there, they were sure to ask me what he was up to. Discussing our fight would definitely not be considered appropriate dinner conversation. If worse came to worse, I would just have to make something up. Though I did not know enough about Loki to even come with something that he would be up to.

Taking a walk? Not a good excuse to skip dinner...

Sleeping? That was a possibility, however he seemed to always be up before me, and I doubted oversleeping a nap through dinner was a common thing here.

Sighing, I pulled a navy blue dress down out of the wardrobe and laid it out on the bed. Glancing at the clock again, I saw that I did not have much time at all. Hopefully, Loki would knock on the door to take me down and save me from having to make up a spontaneous lie.

Hastily, I changed into the clean dress and combed out my blonde hair. I gave myself one last look in the mirror, then headed out of the bedroom. Even from all the way upstairs and down the long corridor, I could smell the amazing aroma of spices, sauces, and meats. It made my stomach growl, even though I wasn't that hungry. I had not eaten anything all day, but when you are used to eating zero to one meals per day, you do not get hungry very often. Your stomach capacity adapts to the frequency you eat. Clearly, it was both a blessing and a curse.

I didn't have to look at the sculptures and portraits any more, as I had the way to the grand staircase memorized. I went through one hall, two halls, three halls, and as I was going through the last one before the golden steps, a noise made me stop in my tracks.

It sounded as if someone was banging something into a wall-something heavy. It was sort of rhythmic, yet off-beat. Something unexplainable that I had never heard before. Curious as to what it cold be, I approached the closed door that it was coming from. Perhaps someone was building something, like a chair, or trying to hammer a nail into a wall for a new portrait. That seemed likely. There were hundreds of paintings and portraits in the castle, and I am sure more were often added or replaced.

As I put my hand on the doorknob, another sound became audible: a moan. And it was not just a moan, but it sounded an awful lot like Loki. Was it him? Is this where he had been all day?

Puzzled, I began to twist the knob, my heart beginning to race. The sounds were like...making love. Loki wouldn't do something like that to me, though, right? Not after we said or vows?

I was scared to see what was on the other side, although now I felt like I had to. Taking in one last, deep breath, I pushed the door all of the way open.

My heart sank.

Because there they were-Loki and Sif. I never actually thought that Loki and Sif were a thing-it was more so using her as representation to a woman in general. However, I guess I was right, after all.

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