Chapter Two

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Upon landing in Tokyo I found that it was a lot cooler then I had anticipated (though I don't know what I expected with it being early November), making me shiver and itch for the oversized hoodie I had packed away in my suitcase. The flight itself went relatively smoothly, with very little turbulence. I slept most of the way through it, finding that sleep came easy to me After all these years although I felt in my bones that that would change soon and that my body was just over compensating.

As soon as I stepped into the main area of the airport I had a woman I had never met before come up to me to hand the a rather thing, folded over piece of paper before scurrying off and out the doors, and straight over to that bird brain Hawks who gave me a cocktail grin and a wave. Rolling my eyes at him I collected my suitcase from the baggage claim and tugged on the hoodie, sliding the paper into the front pocket without a thought. I already had a hotel booked until I sorted out a place to live so I headed on straight there, hailing a cab and hightailing it out of the airport. Some part of me was trying to avoid the blond man as much as possible.

I got to the hotel okay, thanking and paying the cab driver. After getting the key from the front desk I went straight up to my room. It felt good to practice my Japanese to someone other then myself in the dark of night and I seemed to be doing pretty okay! I understood most of the signs around me and could communicate decently okay.

It wasn't until I was stripping off for a nice hot shower that I remembered the note. I watched it fall from the pocket of my hoodie and land on the cold tiled floor of the bathroom. I stared at it for a second as I pieced two and two together and debated looking at it, until curiosity got the better of me. Upon opening it and reading through it I realised it was was a summons.

The Australian government and their armed forces have advised us of your arrival and we have some items we would like to discuss with you. Please be advised that the Hero Public Safety Comission requests your attendance Monday 25th October at 09:00. You will find the address below. Attendance is non negotiable.


I thought I was done with this life. I thought I could settle down quietly and start fresh, live out life as nothing but a young civilian. Clearly the people who organised the world had other plans for me that I would never be free of. I rolled my eyes and got in the shower. I was not looking forward to tomorrow.

I tugged a brush through my Y/h/c hair and cursed as it got caught on a small tangle. I swear everything was out to inconvenience this morning. Matching socks go missing, I couldn't find the jeans I had purchased the day before, I lost my phone charger so my phone was sure to go flat at any moment and the paper with the address was nowhere to be found. As it turns out it wasn't far from where I was staying and I was planning on walking but after all the time wasted already that would be cutting it close.

Oh, and I'd been up since sunrise. My hunch about my sleeping pattern? Completely correct.

I finished getting ready and jumped in another cab, scratching at one of the scars on the palm of my hand anxiously.

The car ride seemingly took forever before we arrived at the plain, modern looking building. I thanked the driver, payed her, and then was on my way. Despite the fact that I felt like I was dying on the inside I kept a cool, calm outward appearance so as not to show my true emotions and to try and offer myself leverage on a little more freedom. When I finally pushed open the big, foreboding double doors I found myself looking upon a large meeting room. It was as plain as the rest of the building but had a host of colourfully dressed people intermingled with people in suits. This was the most people with a quirk or power of some kind that I had ever seen in one room before. Some were standing while others sat at the long table, one of them being the blond man I had been trying oh so hard to avoid.

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