Chapter 6

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Sasaki's POV

-'' Touka-chan , I will pay later, i REALLY HAVE TO GO!'' I screamed to her.

I exit the coffe and head to the CCG building. I have to take a taxi. Seeing a taxi I entered and the man asked:

-'' To where?''

-'' CCG, please.''

Just then he started moving. What happened? I'm really nervous! Is it ghouls again?

I looked at the mirror and this man drinving the car, gives me chills. Who is he? Damn Sasaki, how can you say this , you don't even know who he is. Just then , I snapped out of my thoughts just to see that we were in a strange place.

-'' I'm sorry Sir, but i don't think this is the place I wanted to go...'' I said.

-'' Oh I know..'' He said with a smirk.

Just then the car stopped and from out of nowhere Aogiri appeared. Shit I knew something was wrong! And Akira needs my help , shit shit!

I exited the car and started running , but damn they were so many just because of me?

Suddendly I stopped.

-'' What do you need from me? I'm just one here, is it needed so much ghouls to defeat me?'' I asked a little nervous.

A women approached me. Or should I say a kid? I guees it was a woman , but she was little and her body was all covered in bandages.

-'' Hi , Kaneki-kun'' She said.

-'' Ano, I think you got the wrong person...''

-'' No I didn't''

Just then my world went pitch black.

Time Skip ( 2 hours )

I woke up , and was tied to a chair. Damn another deja vu... My phone was ringing. It must be Akira-san! I need to hurry and get out of here.

I tried to get free but the chains were really difficult to realease.

'' Sasaki, don't you think you need my help?'' That guy in my mind asked.

'' No I don't! And who is this Kaneki?''

-'' Well , that will be me, or should I say you. You got my looks and you have no memories , my memories. Everyone knows who you are besides you. Arima and Akira knew who you were. They all lied to you, lies after lies!''

-'' NO NO! It's you It's you! You're the one lying! Leave me alone''! I scremed frustrated.

-'' Don't say that I didn't warned you...'' he said whispering.


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