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"I found something.", He said with a sad smile. I just stared at him and he sighed.

"They made a contract with a family. About you and their son, but it doesn't say the first name, theres a space.", He said, I sighed, knowing this was about the triplets and that this was the real reason they wanted me home. I mean after all, it was for their business, well, their gang.

"They can't let you get this emancupation Tills. They can't risk it. I also found something else. They payed out the judge and they accepted, most likely out of fear. You have no chance Tills and you never did, they are going to sell you off as soon as they can.", He said quickly, as I just stared at him proccessing everything.

"Are you okay?", He asked and I deadpanned him which made him smirk nervously as I continued to pack. I was staring at his retreating body when I called out to him, making him freeze and turn around to me.

"Thank you. I would of never of known what really happened to her", I said with a small smile. He just nodded and grinned at me, before coming forwards once more. I strained my neck to him to show him I was becoming impatient.

"One thing else", He said, this time with a much bigger smile. I just nodded and sighed, as he came over and put his laptop on the bed. He motioned towards it as I reluctantly walked over to it, expecting to see a dead body of a twin sister that I didn't know I had, but in contrast I gasped when I saw what it was.

It was a house. More than that, a mansion. It had ivy and plants surrounding it, but it didn't look messy, it just looked natural like it was done on purpose. It had a huge cyan coloured front door. It looked huge, with four windows either side and one in the centre above the door. It had a huge tree in the corner towering over it. It looked so....homey.

"Oh my god! Why are you showing me this?", I said, not turning away from the screen for even a second

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"Oh my god! Why are you showing me this?", I said, not turning away from the screen for even a second. It felt so oddly homey, as if it already had some kind of warmth to it.

"Your mother left it to you. She bought it when she was a teenager, she never told her grandfather and nor your family. She did it for you if you ever needed a way out I guess. Kind like an arranged marriage you don't want", He said with a smile. He then gave me a piece of paper.

"Just printed it, it has all the information on it, it was a private will so all you have to do is go to a firm or something and claim it. Your family will have no idea. It's in the country side in Scotland", He said, which made my eyes pop out in surprise.

"SCOTLAND?", I whisper-screamed at him. He just nodded with a smile.

"Yep, do you have a passport?", He asked. I just shook my head, I had left it with the stuff in the bank halfway across the country. It was like a 13 hour drive to get there. UGHHH! Why do bad things happen right after good things.

"It's in a safety deposit box. Hours away. Can't I just get a new one?", I asked him with desperation. He squirmed under my glare but he finally cracked.

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