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After Enrollment. There was a Parent Teacher Orientation to further discuss the upcoming school year... lucky you! You are officially a Corpian! Your parents must be so proud... It is not always that you get to go in a fancy school like this one... now you are with your parents that is going to attend to the orientation...

That Very Moment

"Oh hi! R/N right?!" A Tall man greeted... He has a natural blond hair... unusually thick brows and suave looking suit... Hopefully he is a teacher or the Principal... "Yes sir." I replied. "Then Good Day to you! And Welcome To SCU! I'm Erwin Smith! Chairman and founder of the whole campus!" He greeted... OMG HE'S THE ACTUAL CHAIRMAN... I'VE SEEN HIM IN OTHER SPORT ACTIVITIES LIKE BASKETBALL AND PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! "Pleasure to meet you sir!" I said shaking hands. "The Year Level And Sections Charts should be near the Highschool Building. Go check it out..." He said pointing at the entrance of the Highschool Area... "Thanks sir..." I added. I jogged my way to the highschool area... I saw some bulletins hanging in the walls outside the huge gates... And next to them is a scary mean looking bald guy... I walked to the bulletins and asked. "Is this for the senior highschool sections?" I asked pointing in one particular bulletin... "THE HELL DOES IT LOOK LIKE?! A FREAKING ATTENDANCE CHART? READ THEM TO FIND OUT!" He yelled madly... What's the issue with balbozo here?! "Okay thank you sir..." I answered... first off... ah there I was, Section Rivaille! Cool name... with only 20 Students? That's cool. Eren Jäger? Krista Renz? They all came from my school! Trainee Squad Elementary School! It's been so long since the last reunion... Wait a sec... Who is she?... In bolded letters which signifies transfery, a name 'Sasha Braus' was written in black... "Who is she?" I asked myself... "She is a new student here, like you..." A female voice added... I was surprised... As I look at her... She was blonde... Short, has a really feminine body. And is really beautiful... "So you must be R/N?" She asked... "Ah,yes... Good Day to you!" I greeted. "The name's Annie... I'm gonna be one of your new classmates... If we ever meet like this again... take me to lunch, now, would you? You seem cute... for a tall guy..." She said bluntly... Wait, did she just? Never mind. I'll just nod to it...

I can't wait for this new school year!

To be Continued...

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