Chapter 1: Adjustments

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After the Massacre of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke was obviously devastated. It all hit (Y/n) hard too. For a little while she didn't leave the apartment complex that they lived in. She'd visit Sasuke in one of the other apartments to make sure he was clean and fed, and she'd talk to him too. Sasuke didn't really talk to anyone anymore apart from her. He trusted her, to him, she was the last piece of home he truly had. On some nights she'd come to check on him, only to find him having a nightmare she couldn't wake him from. So instead she'd use a genjutsu to sooth him and calm him, changing the nightmares to an old memory, a happy one. Though, because it had Itachi and Shisui in it, it made Sasuke begin to cry. (Y/n) understood how he felt. Sasuke wasn't really encouraged to make friends outside of the Uchiha clan. So Itachi, Shisui and (Y/n) were the only real people he spent time with aside from his parents. Of course he occasionally spent time with people from class, but he never really enjoyed it, or saw what value was in the dumb stuff they were doing.

Naruto was very confused by everything that was going on, (Y/n) refused to talk about it because any time she did, she'd end up crying. Sasuke, he didn't want to talk to anyone but (Y/n). In his eyes, she was the only other person that understood the gravity of Itachi's betrayal. As much as he may not have understood what was happening, Naruto tried his best to make his sister smile. Doing dumb and silly things, just to get the smallest smile out of her. Though, her biggest supporter through all of this, was Kakashi.

On the night of the massacre.

After (Y/n) had taken Sasuke to the hospital and explained what happened, Shinobi were sent to go investigate and clear up the Uchiha district. (Y/n) was very suddenly hit with a big realisation she had hoped wouldn't come. He was gone... and so were they. Finding herself at the front door of the one person she could think of, she knocked. "(Y/n)? Why are yo—..." before Kakashi could finish asking, he saw the expression on her face. The one of utter and total heartbreak and loss. Tears threatening to fall from her eyes as they slowly built. She felt ashamed that she was going to cry yet again.

"They're all gone Kakashi... all of the Uchiha. Accept Sasuke..." she managed to choke out before she couldn't stand it any longer, and she threw herself into his arms. To say he was shocked would be an understatement, Kakashi was completely frozen. But he still held her, and after recovering from his shock, he pulled her into his home, out of the cold. Not that it had much really. He wasn't sure what to say or do. It made him wish more than anything that his best friends and his sensei were still here. They'd know what to do. Or better yet, it wouldn't of happened.

(Y/n) sobbed into his chest, he absolutely hated seeing her cry. It broke his heart to see her cry like this. Hadn't she been through enough already? Kakashi slowly picked (Y/n) up into his arms, and took her to his bed. He laid her down, and because she refused to let go of him, he laid next to her on the bed, holding her. She incoherently mumbled through her tears, from what Kakashi could gather, it was Itachi who had killed them all. That explained why only Sasuke was left, and why (Y/n) was so broken up. Though there was something he couldn't fathom. Why would Itachi do this? Kakashi felt like he had failed as a friend to help Itachi make better choices, but he also didn't understand why he'd do this. He wondered if (Y/n) knew, she was his girlfriend, fiancée even. Why would Itachi give her up? Why would he leave Sasuke behind? Kakashi felt like it had something to do with the looming threat of the Uchiha and the recent unrest, but that still didn't give him an answer. All of this simply wasn't adding up. Kakashi himself had admired and cared for Itachi, and this just simply didn't seem like something he'd do without a greater reason. As (Y/n) cried herself to sleep in his arms, Kakashi himself began to grow tired. He held her close and allowed himself to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, (Y/n) was still asleep. So Kakashi slipped out of her arms and wrapped her up in his blanket. Then he went to make breakfast for them both. He had to do his best to make sure she looked after herself. As she stirred and woke up to the smell of bacon, (Y/n) wondered where she was. She didn't entirely remember last night just yet. She remembered being at someone's door, and crying. "Good morning (Y/n). I hope you're feeling okay." Kakashi spoke knowing she wouldn't actually be okay.

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