Past 5: A Loss and A Promise

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Not a week later, Shisui was ordered to place Fugaku under a genjutsu during the next meeting. Controlling him. Hoping to get a more peaceful solution to the unrest between the Uchiha and the Village of the Leaf. Lord Third had ordered Itachi and (Y/n) to spy on the meeting to make sure things go smoothly.

They were waiting a little ways away from the shrine, the other Uchiha clan members had already started to arrive and gather inside. Itachi and (Y/n) grew a little worried. Shisui was never late for a mission. He especially wouldn't be late for something as important as this either. "Itachi? He's an hour late... should we go looking for him?" (Y/n) asked worriedly, her instincts screaming that something was very wrong.

"We don't even know where he'd be. He could show up while one of us is gone. We'll wait. He'll be here." Itachi said calmly, but inside he too was worried. He knew Shisui wouldn't ever be late. (Y/n) put her mask on and waited anxiously with Itachi. Not long after, people started to leave the shrine. (Y/n) wondered just how long they'd been waiting, she also grew even more concerned for Shisui. But the pair continued to wait in their places.

The sun had set. And the pair heard a clumsy rustle of leaves in the trees above them. "Shisui? Is that you?" Itachi asked a little confused.

"Come with me." Shisui responded hastily as he jumped away. Itachi and (Y/n) followed him, removing their masks. Both were highly concerned, this was extremely unusual for Shisui. The pair followed him to the falls. Shisui stood close to the edge, worrying (Y/n) a little but Itachi thought little of it.

"It's too late to stop the coup d'état by the Uchiha. If civil war breaks out in the Leaf Village, other nations are sure to attack... which means a full scale war. I was going to stop the coup d'état with my kotoamatsukami, but... Lord Danzo took my right eye..." Shisui explained as he turned to look behind him at the pair. (Y/n)'s suspicions were confirmed. And unfortunately, she couldn't safely try to heal him either. Restoring a mangekyo sharingan was something she'd never done before, and though she would try, Lord Danzo would only attack Shisui again. "He doesn't trust me... he intends to protect the village his own way, no matter what it takes, or how it looks. I suspect he'll come after my left eye as well. So I want to give it to you two, before he gets the chance." Shisui stated before he removed his own left eye, holding it out to the silent pair. "You're the only ones I can count on, my best friends. Please protect the village, and the honour of the Uchiha name." (Y/n) could see where this was going and she didn't like it at all. Itachi summoned his crow, and it took Shisui's eye.

"I accept it. What will you do now?" Itachi asked Shisui, completely calm. But his sharingan activated. Shisui slowly backed up towards the ledge.

"Shisui you can't-!" (Y/n) almost yelled, taking a step towards Shisui to stop him.

"If I die, several circumstances will change. I've left behind a note already..." Shisui stated.

"Wait, Shisui!" Itachi exclaimed as he also approached Shisui.

"Don't stop me Itachi, (Y/n)!" Shisui commanded, before he smiled to the pair one last time. (Y/n) and Itachi panicked as Shisui tilted backwards over the edge, willingly throwing himself over the falls.

"SHISUI!!!" the pair yelled as they jumped forward to try catch him. But they were too late. (Y/n) caught his headband as it unravelled and left Shisui's head as he fell. Dropping it to the ground infront of them, smudging Shisui's last footprints. Itachi felt his eyes burn. Closing his eyes, blood slowly seeped from his eyes, in place of tears, his eyes opening to reveal his newly awakened mangekyo sharingan. It looked similar to his fathers. (Y/n)'s eyes burnt and hurt as if someone was gouging them out. She fell to her knees and covered her eyes, hissing and groaning at the pain as it gradually subsided, her eyes were no longer her previous mangekyo, that looked similar to Shisui's. It was now a black and red yin and yang.

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