Past 4: A Birthday to Remember

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Months passed and it seemed like things with the coup d'état had slowed down for now, though the unrest was still astronomical. But daily life continued on. Shinobi and Anbu were still sent on missions, and people were always getting hurt.

(Y/n) POV

I teleported home after a day of healing Shinobi and fellow Anbu members. It was only 8pm. "(Y/n)! You're home!" Naruto ran to me and tackled me with a hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Heya Naruto. How was your day?" I asked him, he looked up at me and pouted.

"It's been pretty boring. But do you remember what tomorrow is?" He looked up at me with stars in his eyes. I knew what day it was tomorrow, but I wanted to tease him.

"Hmm... I don't know Naruto. I don't think we're doing anything tomorrow, are we?" I asked him and he smiled brightly and laughed.

"You silly! It's our birthday tomorrow! I'll be 7 and you'll be 13! Remember?" Naruto asked me and I smiled.

"Oh yeah that's right! What should we do? I asked for the day off tomorrow so I'll be free all day." I told him. He cheered loudly at my words.

"Can we go for Ramen tomorrow for dinner? Please~" Naruto begged cutely as I sat up.

"Of course we can! I don't want to cook on my birthday!" I told him.

"Why don't you invite your boyfriend over?" Naruto asked with a smug look. I blushed brightly. How... did he know? Itachi sneaks in through my window! How did he know that?! "Oh come on, I see him walking you to the door. He's your boyfriend isn't he? The one with the black hair, always looking serious." Naruto said as he rolled off of me onto the floor, laying on his back as he then sat up.

"Yeah he is... but he's on a mission tomorrow so I won't get to see him." I said sadly. I knew the Lord Third wouldn't be coming over either. He's stopped coming over to visit for the moment, out of fear it could put us in danger, as people the Hokage cares about. I hate how complicated things can be. Nothing is ever simple and I hate it.

After I put Naruto to bed, making sure he was fast asleep before I snuck to the kitchen and baked us a birthday cake. I'm not always here on our birthday, so when I am, I like to make us a cake. Naruto is never happy when I'm not here for our birthday, he just gets depressed, so I'm happy I'm here this year. I can't believe I'm turning 13 tomorrow... 7 years. 7 years without them. I hate that I can't talk to Naruto about them. The Third forbad me from doing so. I understand his reasoning of course, but I've come to believe that his reasoning is more flawed than he may think. I hate how his choices have isolated Naruto and I. Naruto more so than myself, because he is a young child and lived this way his whole life, he doesn't know any different. He doesn't deserve this. He deserves to be regarded as a hero, loved, appreciated and nothing less. He's such a kind, funny and caring boy, but no one will give him the chance to show them. Naruto suffers greatly from the loneliness, and sure he has me... but I'm not our parents...

As I finished baking the cake, I waited a while letting it cool before I got started on the cream frosting. By the time the cake was finished and I had put it in the fridge, I could see the sun was on the rise. Finally going to bed, I was excitedly awoken by Naruto about 4 or 5 hours later. "(Y/n)! Wake up! It's our birthday!" Naruto smiled to me as he shook me. Normally, if I'm not here, Naruto isn't nearly this excited for our birthday, but having me here to enjoy the day with him, gives him something to be happy about.

I grabbed my fluffy blanket and wrapped it around Naruto, pulling him into my bed with me as I held him. "Shhhhh~ Naruto. I want to enjoy sleeping in on my birthday. It's a rare thing I get you know." I told him as I snuggled back into my pillow, holding him close.

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