seeing/meeting the twins

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*later that day after the c-section*

Salem; yaay i get to see my babies

Aspen; do we get to hold them

Salem; maybe not today because there too little so maybe tommorow we can

*at the nicu*

Salem; well were metting baby boy first

*at baby boy's nicu baby bed*

Salem; hi baby omg he's so cute i wish i could hold him, it's me mama why you kick your water open silly guy, i promise that once i get to hold you I'll give you lots of cuddles

*at the baby girls nicu bed*

Salem; there going to attempt to weel me to our daughter

Aspen; omg she's so tiny

Salem; i know, hi baby it's me mama i promise once i get to hold you I'll give you lots of cuddles and kisses but first you got to breath on your own great now I'm going to start crying *starts crying loudly*

Aspen; oh noo baby it's okay

Salem; this sucks

Aspen; i know but i promise they'll be home soon with us

Salem; okay

Aspen; i love you😘

Salem; i love you too, and i love you two cuties as well

Aspen; aww

*Aspen and salem kiss eachother*

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