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It didn't take long for everyone to head out the door. Before I knew it, we were all piling into Ajak's Kia Carnival, like kids into a school bus. The vehicle was a sleek silvery-blue colour that looked like an extra long minivan from the outside. It stuck out quite a bit amidst the other small cars that took up the parkade. Upon entering the SUV, I found out that the Kia Carnival holds up to eleven passengers, and I couldn't help but feel special, like that one extra spot in the car was meant for me.

I opted for a seat in the back left corner of the car, while most people chose to sit up front. I felt it was better I stay out of the way. I didn't want to make it harder for the group by them having to climb over me to get in the car.

The interior was lovely. Everything was a cream coloured beige that was in surprisingly good condition. Either the car was new, or Ajak was extremely diligent about food privileges. The three windows on either side of the vehicle, along with the light coloured cabin, helped brighten up the space, and the row lights on the roof did a good job too. The only downside to the Kia was the fact that it was fairly cramped quarters, especially if we were filling up every seat, but I guess that's to be expected in an eleven passenger car. Besides, I wasn't about to complain.

Doors started opening on all sides as the others began to file in. The car was rocked and jostled with each new person that entered. And suddenly, through the door on the right came Druig, who was bent at the waist trying to maneuver his way through the tight space. I took a deep breath as I watched him, expecting him to sit behind Ajak or Phastos at the front, but with each row of seats he passed, growing ever nearer towards the back, my heart skipped a beat. Finally when he reached the last row, my pulse was hammering against my chest, seeping upwards towards my throat. He made no sign of greeting; not a wave or even a smile. He sat down, almost not even acknowledging that I was beside him.

So I did the same.

We were all settled. Ajak and Phastos were at the very front, followed by Kingo, Thena and Gilgamesh behind them. Then there was Makkari, Sersi and Ikaris, and finally, Sprite on the far right, Druig in the middle, and me on the end, all lined up in the back.

It was hard to place back at the house whether Druig believed my truth or not. He hadn't spoken much since I'd met him, appearing standoffish from the rest of the group. I had a feeling that this was how he normally was, regardless of whether there was a crisis at play or not. But then that begged the question: who was he? And would I ever find out?

"Are we all ready to go?" Ajak asked rather business-like.

There were a chorus of yeses from the van, including an audible 'yep' to my right. His deep voice sounding so close to my ear.

"Alright then. Let's head out," and with a few buttons pressed on the Kia's GPS system (assumedly the address to my apartment), Ajak put the van into gear and started making her way out from the parkade. After a few seconds, a hushed chatter emerged amongst the group.

I chanced a glance up at Druig from the corner of my eye. Even sitting down I could tell that he was quite a bit taller than I was. His raven coloured hair dusted the top of his brow and was cropped around the nape of his neck. From there I noticed the outline of his sharp jaw that curved up and around to form his lips. My gaze flicked up towards his eyes, which were, at the moment, a bronze colour, no longer aglow as they had appeared before. I quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught in the act.

My stomach roiled at the thought of Druig not believing in me. The chance of that happening had never truly occurred to me before today, and now that it seemed even remotely possible, the weight of the prospect was crushing. Even though I had the proof that I needed, and I know that I did, the fact that I needed any proof at all to my claims sent a shiver down my spine.

𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - Druig x OCWhere stories live. Discover now