New Age, New Moon

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It was 32° outside, but I was sweating like crazy. The air was crisp and cool, but felt like acid to my lungs with every breath I took. Judging by the atmosphere, it was at least a little after 11pm right now....which meant it was almost time. This information did nothing to help my growing anxiety.

My heart felt like it was on a race track; hammering so fast I feared it would leap out of my chest at any minute. My nervous system was a complete wreck, I was visibly shaking. It was a miracle my organs hadn't been shaken out of place.

It was finally happening....Tonight was the night.

It was the night I finally get to transform into my wolf, and I was both nervous and excited at the same time. I focused my eyes onto the moon, which was almost at it's peak, and shining over the glimmering and glittering water.

The reflection almost looked surreal... as surreal as this moment about to happen felt to me.

Feeling nervous, I scratched at the hem of my white, silky smooth skin-hugging shorts. The thin, smooth fabric covered my entire torso, chest, neck and shoulders.

The short, white, waist length jacket that it matched with were long and it's clinging sleeves ended at my wrists. The jacket had a hood at the back, that we would use to cover our heads, when the time had come.

The outfit was white from head to toe, apart from a jewel broach in the shape of moon and was used as a symbolic part of the ritual. Every pack had one, and they were all least that's what Logan told me and Artemis. He married outside our pack, and his mate, Rose, said this to him. And he claimed he saw it himself.

I began walking slowly towards the little lake and took a seat, I dipped my bare feet in, letting my toes dance with the cold, icy liquid.

For the first time today, I looked down into the water at my reflection. A very nervous looking girl stared back at me.

She had long, black frizzy hair, that hung loose around her face, which framed her dark skinned features. Her dark brown eyes pierced through mine like a knife. Her eyebrows were arched in a worried way which went perfectly at her thick, dark lips.

She casted a tight smile at me, which meant that she was nervous.

I could get through this right?... I asked myself. After all, I've been training for this for 16 years and today was the day....I could do this.

I was literally knocked out of thought when something heavy hit my back, almost knocking the air outta my lungs.

"Why are you wasting time sitting here child? You've got places to be" a voice I could never get tired of hearing stated. It was my cousin, Artemis.

Turning to face her, I gave her a mean scowl. She smiled back at me, sticking her hands into the pockets of the blue jeans. It was accompanied with a fitting white shirt and flat sneakers.

Artemis and I were born in the same year, except I was born in March and she was born in October. Unlike me however, she wouldn't be joining the Phases of the Moon ritual. We had one for every season, for those born in during those times. So she'd do her ceremony later this year, which was very unfortunate in my opinion because she would've been handling this situation better than I was.

"Did you have to throw those at me?" I asked looking at the heavy white boots, that I was supposed to be wearing, that lay near me.

"Because I've been calling you for ages and you weren't budging" she explained, leaning her weight onto her left side, all while shrugging.

"You could've come shake my by the shoulders, not-"

" Then what would be the fun in that? " she interrupted, walking over to sit beside me. She leaned forward to push her hand into the water, swirling it around.

She shook her head lightly to adjust her curly, shoulder-length hair to the left of her head, hiding her left shoulder, and the light freckles across her brown-colored arm. Her brown eyes could been seen through her long eyelashes. Her thin arched eyebrows looked weirdly relaxed as she stared at the water before pulling her thin pink lips into a smirk. That's when she splashed the water in my direction, letting the cold droplets splatter over my legs and clothes.

"You little spawn from hell" I snapped at her while glaring.

" I know I am" Artemis laughed, "You and Sirius tell me everyday"

Rolling my eyes, we both sat there in silence, staring at the moon for what felt like forever before she spoke again.

"How are ya feeling?"

" Nervous.....very, very nervous" I exhaled, looking over at her.

" Why?" she asked tilting her head, "We've been training for this our whole lives and now you're actually going to be one with a wolf. I'm jealous"

"That's what I'm afraid of" I admitted looking back at the water, afraid to meet her eyes, " It would've been easier if we transformed at the same time. We could guide each other through this... especially since you're the one with confidence. I wish I was like you... I'm afraid I'll mess up and they'll say I'm not worthy enough"

She became quiet for a while before patting my head like I was some child. I wonder if she knows I'm older than her.

"If I was in your shoes, I'd understand how you feel...not knowing what will happen after or during the ritual" she said, " I mean, not everyone is as self confident as I am. You aren't the first person to wanna be like me"

"Wow" I said giving her an unamused look. Really?! Put of that whole conversation, that's all she picked up on? I honestly wonder how I put up with this child.

"But on a serious note... There's nothing to worry about Cassie.... I'm here if you need any help. You just gotta trust yourself" she continued.

I was taken aback by her sudden change of words.

" Even though I'm not doing the ritual now...most of my friends are. They'll be changed and occupied with jobs regarding to the pack....I won't see them much anymore" she admitted.

"Artemis..."I blinked rapidly. Was this the same girl who was taunting me and dripping in confidence only a few seconds ago?

"Don't you are start with all your sympathetic shit!" She said slapping me on the shoulder with enough force to kill a squirrel, "I didn't say that to make you feel sorry for me. I said it so that you feel less alone. And besides, you won't have any free time anymore, you're basically a grown up right now old lady"

There is was again...the sass. For the first time all day, I pulled a genuine smile....even if it was small. Only Artemis could do that.

She stood to her feet, and walked around me to pick up my shoes. Looking down at me, she stretched them towards me and I slowly put them on as she watched. I then turned towards the lake once more, listening to the wind as it rustled throughout the trees.

"Oh, by the way, Aunt Melody sent me to get you so you won't be late for the ritual and all, but-" she began oh-so-casually before I interrupted.

" WHAT!!? I yelled, jumping to my feet, "We've been sitting here for ages and you just remembered to tell me?!!"

"......yeah?" she shrugged, a smirk pulling at her lips before she started to run off.

"You bitch-" I said and began chasing after her.

Her cheeky laugh echoing loudly down the path as I chased her in the direction of the pack houses.


Thank you guys for reading and I'll update a next chapter within two days time until next time ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😏😏😏

And the characters of this story are shown on the next page and also please remember to vote anyoung-he-ge-seyo 👐👐👐👐👐

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