True form delta

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I was walking down the busy streets greeting everyone who walked by me soon the pack house came into view, picking up the pace before the emergency meeting starts for the new true forms that went through the moon ritual to discuss on how to train younger wolves to see and connect with their wolf.

After the meeting we were told that we had to be in pairs and go to the training grounds to teach a new set of wolves in meditation and defense, so Jayden and I decided to go to the training ground where we saw our class waiting for us.

"Good morning class I am Cassandra but you can call me miss Cassie and the person next to me is Mr. Jayden he will be teaching you defense and I will be teaching you meditation ok." I said looking at their cute faces beaming with excitement.

"Alright pups the first rule defense is to never let your guard down in a fight around anyone especially rogues  the second rule is never let your enemies get behind you, care for a demonstration purple?" Jayden said turning his attention from the pups to me with a sly smirk.

"Sure J." I said smirking back.

I stood five feet in front of him in a defensive stance watching his every move,  he ran towards me swinging his right hand to punch I ducked and slid my left foot, kicking him off his feet and he landed on the ground as I sat on top of him.

" And that's one way to pin someone on the ground." I said smiling in triumph as the pups cheered while J groaned.

" I'll get you back for that purple."

"You said that the last time and look where it got you." I raised my eyebrow helping him to his feet.


After a few hours of training we that we'll continue the training tomorrow cause it was getting dark, walking away from the training area I took a short stroll towards the near by lake I sat down at the banking of the lake. Putting my feet into the cold, relaxing water to calm myself down from all the training I had to go through to teach the basics to those kids.

The sun was setting and it was time to go home, after a while I saw my house came into view but it was still too early so I took a detour into the forest.

The moon is full and the cold wind hitting my skin, causing the hair on my neck back stand up as I continued walking deeper into the woods not giving a care in this entire world. After a while I stopped walking when I noticed, where I was it was the place where the turned ritual was held.

Sitting in the center of the twelve moons I laid on my back looking up in the sky.

After debating whether I should go home early or not I went home before my parents even think to mind-link me, stepping inside the house a scent of beef casserole hits my nose drawing my attention towards the kitchen where I found my parents setting up the dinner table and of course the twins diligently watching like some spectators at a game, they notice me and welcomed me home.

"How did your day go honey?" she asked putting down the salad on the table.

"Exciting but at the same time tiring , I thought the twins were a hand full but I take it back those kids they gave me to teach was even worse", I said sitting down massaging my temples.

After dinner a took a long nice warm bath to relax myself before laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Artemis, I wonder how she's doing... or what she's doing", I laughed thinking about all the impossible stuff right now. I'll visit her when I'm free.

" Time to hit the sack, it's been a tiring day" sighing I jump on my bed slowly drifting off to dreamland.


The next morning I woke up 2 in the morning and decided to go to the gym for exercise, starting with some simple warm ups and the on to the 5kg weights. By 6 I was drenched in swea,t fucking sticky breathing heavy laying on the gym floor people started walking through the gym doors over-crowding it so I decided to up and out heading to the forest for a run.

'Good morning sunshine.' Purple said squealing sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes ignoring her and transform into my wolf letting her take the rein.

'Well that was rude who pissed in your coffee.'

"Ya know, I already have Artemis sarcastic behavior, I don't need you to add to the mix." I said running towards the direction of the lake.

'You're gonna have to fucking deal with it.'

"Mhmm" was all I said before she blocked me out sighing for like the 100th time we stopped in front of the lake jumping in or just stay on the banking after a few seconds I jumped in the water letting the cold engulf my body as I came back up to the surface.

"Sha la la itsuka kitto boku wa te ni surunda hakanaki mune ni sotto hikari moete yuke." I sang swimming back and forth in the lake watching at the sun rays dancing on top of the water.

( It's a Japanese song from naruto.)

By the time I got out of the lake it was about eleven thirty good thing it was a Saturday I got dressed and ready to leave when I heard a growls behind me I turn around to see two wolves one of them has brown fur with green strikes and the other with blue strikes.

'Hi J' I said sitting on a rock near the lake.

'How did you know it was me' he answered back

'It's not the first time I've seen you in wolf form'

'Ah so you've been stalking me'

'You're delusional J'

He and the other wolf went behind a tree and I heard bones cracking meaning they're shifting back after a while they came out shirtless and wearing basketball shorts.

"Ah so you guys are twins how adorable." I said in excitement.

"Hi the name's Aiden and guessing by the look on you guys stare at each other you already know my idiotic brother."

"As in beta Aiden Josh's beta".

" The one and only, I can't believe alpha Simon is passing the title to him already".

"So that means you both will be Josh betas since ya'know you guys are identical and all".


"J bye I call dibs on your brother."

"Tsk so unfair." He pouted

"But that's not we're here for, alpha Simon wants all three of us along with Josh tomorrow 6am sharp in his office." he said with a serious tone.

"Ok thanks for the heads-up...................and I would love to stay and chat but I gots to go." I said shoving J into the river then using my wolf speed to run away.

'Fuck PURPLE' he yelled

'You're welcome J' I laughed.

I woke up roughly around 4:50am and I keep tossing and turning, but couldn't go back to sleep; as it's was almost time to get up. Groaning, I kicked the sheets off the bed and lazily walked to the bathroom, switching on the light to look at my reflection, my curly hair was everywhere my eyebags were visible and I look like a walking dead. But enough about me, I turn on the shower cold shower to be precise. After showering I walked into my closet and put on a black and white cargo pant black combat boots a white and black jacket I grab my phone and left.

Getting ready to meet the alpha alongside the future alpha and betas for a mission to test us not knowing that it would impact some of us lives in the long run. What will happen to the betas most importantly the alpha went they step into Midnight and Night Walker's territory to create peace between the two packs, is it that what the two packs want or is there a motive behind the peace treaty?










Hi guys am back with another chapter scusa it took so long to update and here it is let me know what u guys think.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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