The queen bee

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On the lab of Rosa...

Rosa: Bea!, i need you to take care of the lab!, im going for a walk! (to Bull's dinner).

Bea: Okay!, dont get stuck at leaving!

Rosa: Ha-ha, yeah right..., *Leaves the lab*.

Bea: Hmmm, i wonder what i could do..., im a little bit hungry though.

The bee of Bea heared that, then it leaved the room and searched something to eat for her, the other bees did the same thing, then, they showed some plates of food to Bea...

Bea: Oh!, this is for me?

The bees gets a little bit closer to Bea, to show her even better the plates of food to Bea...

Bea: I guess, i can accept it, i feel a little bit hungry anyways, it couldn't hurt to eat just a little.

Bea eated the food that her bees bringed to her...

Bea: That tasted so good.

The bees keep bringing more food...

Bea: Oh, more?, well, it's nice that my little bees are giving me food, so, okay!

Bea just keep eating the food that her bees bringed to her, she was already getting fat...


Bea just keep eating the food, until she got an idea, she was going to use the phone to call someone

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Bea just keep eating the food, until she got an idea, she was going to use the phone to call someone...

On the gift shop...

Edgar: *His phone was ringing*, what the- *Sees that Bea its calling her (he has bea marked in his phone as "busy bee"), he responds the call* hello?

Bea: *On the phone* Oh!, hello Edgar!

Edgar: *On the phone* If you call me to hang out with you, i can't, im working.

Bea: *On the phone* Oh, well, after job, you can go to the lab- *A bee put a slice of cake on her mouth, she mumbles*.

Edgar: Ummm..., if you tried to say that i can go after work?, then, sure, i guess, it's not like no one cares about me or my personal life...

Bea: *Mumbles* Okay!

Edgar: *Holds up*, well, better keep working...

Bea: *Eats the slice of cake*, okay little bees, if you still want me to eat, then, go ahead (i should tell them to stop bringing me food, but that would be too mean of me, i guess, more food couldn't hurt, right?)

Later, on the gift shop...

Edgar: Finally, even though today we didn't do any sells, i guess cleaning and organizing also counts (my actions are getting wasted in here...), oh well, hmmm, i guess i can go (and see what its going on with Bea on that lab...).

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