Full filling a dream

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On the laboratory of Rosa...

Rosa: Hmmm, not bad, this dosen't look bad at all, i think its finish, nothing bad seems wrong with it, finally these fat problems will be over.

Bea: *From the other room* Rosa, what are you doing?

Rosa: Something important!, and now, the last thing to add it, a contaiment box, which it's just a blinded glass box.

And so, Rosa's experiment it's completed...

Rosa: Finally, i can fix my mistake of the diet powder, this time without having breath problems.

Bea was waddling where Rosa was...

Bea: Huff..., huff.., Rosa..., why are you..., haah..., doing this...?

Rosa: Im doing it so you can have a break of always waddling around and getting tired easily.

Bea: Huff... hey, i don't get tired so... huff... easily.

Rosa: Bea, your butt seems the area most affected by your state.

Bea: *Blushing* M-my butt isn't part of this conversation! (and Edgar says it looks cute this outfit on me

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Bea: *Blushing* M-my butt isn't part of this conversation! (and Edgar says it looks cute this outfit on me...).

Rosa: Fine, but still with this new formula, you can finally loose all that weight, or fat, behold, the diet slimes *Shows Bea the blinded glass box*.

Bea: What it's that liquid?

Rosa: It's slime, with the simple function of going to the fat, and eliminating it, making the user thin again without the nesecity of workout.

Bea: Will it work?

Rosa: I don't know, that's why you are going to proove it.

Bea: Okay, but, how it will-

Rosa: *Releases the slime*

The slime went quickly to Bea, into her mouth, she was starting to get filled with the slime...

Bea: MRPH?!

The slime went inside Bea, it did nothing, or even affected her on nothing...

Rosa: So, how do you feel?

Bea: The same.

Rosa: What?, hmmm, let me try something...

Rosa grabs a hose, that it was conected to a tank with diet slime inside the tank, and she puts the hose on her mouth...

Rosa: *Gulp, gulp* (hmmm..., not bad, nothing wrong, but it has a sweet taste and-, wait, it's not suppose to have a taste, i think i confused my mix with the diet powder with white sugar, that could explain why Bea didn't have any changes at all, i should fix this as soon as possible).

Bea: Im going to eat something Rosa, see ya! *Waddles out of there*.

Rosa: MRPH?!, MRPPH!!! (What?!, WAIT, BEA, I NEED YOUR HELP I CAN'T... take it off!)

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