Bibi's weight improvisation

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Bibi was starting to wake up...

Bibi: *Yawn*, a new day as a fat, soft, blo-, wait, something's wrong...

Bibi noticed how her weight wasn't the same like before, she was fat, but she was still able to move...

Bibi: Huh, i don't remember being this size...

Bibi feeled how her belly was a diferent size, but she feeled a little bit hurted...

Bibi: Ow!, that hurts, well, at the least my clothes will fit now... barely, still, i wonder how did i even manage to get to this total of fat?, i didn't do even any diet, did i...?

Bibi put her clothes on, and leave the house, and went to Bull's dinner...

Bibi: *Enters the place*, i still can't believe that there it goes my life of being a blob, i was enjoying it..., maybe Bull was the one who did this to me, *Goes to the kitchen*.

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

Bull: Alright, and that order it's done, Crow!, the order's ready!

The doors of the kitchen opens...

Bull: Come on and take the-

Bibi: How could you?!

Bull: Uhhh, what?

Bibi: How could you ruin my new way of life?!

Bull: What are you talking about?

Bibi: I used to be bigger!, massive!, i was enjoying it!, and for some reason, i founded myself in my protection clothes in a not so bigger size anymore!

Bull: Don't you mean your-

Bibi: Don't change the subject!

Bull: You are still big with that fat stomatch of yours!

Bibi: It's not the same!

Bull: *Sigh*, listen, i... did a deal with Tara.

Bibi: How it's she involved into this?!

Bull: Well, she was capable to make your fat dissapear, but not all of it, since you were so massive, so there's a limit, i gaved her gems, and she did the rest, so there.

Bibi: But why?!

Bull: Look, i got tired of being this place only being a duo, since a lot of the female brawlers wanted food, lots of it, it's getting hard to cook, give the food to people on the tables, and even delivery, Crow also had some dificulties since he had to delivery and put food to the tables, also, i noticed that sometimes i need breaks, working for a long time won't really help me, even if im the one doing the most work meanwhile Crow it's doing a delivery, so, we agree to get you to your normal size so you can stop slacking and help us for cups sake...

Bibi: I was enjoying my past life...

Bull: But you can't expect to leave us all the work, at the least it worked when we were the three.

Bibi: True..., i see now...

Bull: And besides, you can get fat and all, but as long as you are able to work and move around.

Bibi: I guess... that can work, it's not the same as being massive, but it's a good alternative.

Bull: And you seems to start to get used to it, of what i see, the spell leaved you with some fat, you are big, but not that much.

Bibi: Yeah, i guess so, i can get used to this.

Bull: Good, now go to the cash register and get back to work.

Bibi: Alright.

Bull: (Good thing that she didn't noticed that we had to remove most of her fat manualy).

Before Bibi leaves the kitchen, she grabs a bucket of chicken, then she gets to the cash register, waiting for an order, but in the mean time, she starts eating a chicken wing from the bucket...

Bibi: *Munch munch*, hmmm, i can get used to this, as long as i can move, i can still eat without worrying too much about how fat i will get, i feel like a cool cat, *Takes another bite from her chicken wing*.

And so, the day has passed, clients coming, and even she was still eating...

Bibi: Huff... huff... too much... food..., well, at the least i can still move...

She leaved the place, and went to her house...

Bibi: *Enters the place* Haah... haah..., i can't..., move too much, *Her stomatch growl* not now..., too full..., *Her stomatch growls again* fine...

One fast meal later, Bibi went to her bed, tired, and bigger, but she was still able to move, but she had to worry about moving very slow, and mostly waddling...

Bibi: I knew... it was a bad idea to eat before sleep *BURP*, but..., it tasted so good..., mister bat... i really didn't used him for a long time..., i think... im okay now i just need to rest, goodnight mister bat, *Starts sleeping*.

Maybe Bibi can barely move, but who knows when will be the time when she cross the line on that...

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