You want to meet me?

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I didn't realise how fast the time had gone! An hour later and I was finally ready, it usually only takes me about half an hour but for some reason, I was slow today.
As I walked through the door and locked it behind me, I gave Kate a ring to see if she was almost ready; Kate usually takes an hour to get ready so out timings were quite good.
She answered the phone and shouted from on speaker across the room she would be 10 more minutes. It only takes me 5 minutes to walk to hers so I would walk slowly.
Walking down the road, I look down to see what I am wearing as I wasn't paying much attention when I was getting changed. I have black skinny jeans with ripps in the knees with a plain white shirt tooked in and my black leather jacket. My sparkling clean white converse on my feet and nothing pleased me more than looking at them, sad I know.
As I was about to ring the door bell at Kate's parent's house, the door handle went and there stood Kate in blue skinny jeans and cream lace top. Both of us had our usual makeup on, casual but also fancy!
The walk to the park from here is about 10 minutes so we were in good timing. We were just walking through the gates of the park and in the distance we can see the lads sitting at the bench near the band stand.
As we get closer, they recognise us and stand up and start walking over. Brad came over to hug Kate and James did the same for me.
We made 'small' talk about us all, some about last night and some about who we are. We were walking through the park until the sound of an ice cream van made Kate and myself eyes light up.
James looks at me and questions 'Mr whippy for madame?' In a rather posh accent. 'Mmmm yes please monseuir' I reply with a French accent and a massive smile on my face. Brad raised his eyebrows and looked at Kate 'same for you?' He asks. 'Please' she replies.
Kate and I had some time together and we were talking about how our afternoon was going. We both seem to be enjoying it so far.
When the lads came back, we went and sat on the grass. We kind of paired off a little bit. Brad has his legs stretched out and Kate was leaning on them. James and I were mirrored to them.
The sun has gone down and it is slightly chilly now so I suggest we go back to mine and watch a film. They seem happy with the idea so we start to walk out the park.
As we walk past the end of Kate's road she needed to grab her phone charger and so Brad went with her so she didn't have to walk alone.
It is now just James and I walking watching the sun go down, he put his arm across my shoulders and so I lean into him to keep me warm.
We get to mine and I forget the place was a mess so I quickly shoved it all into the kitchen sink. James was getting comfy on the sofa so I grabbed some blankets off my bed and return back downstairs.
My phone vibrates and as I look down I see it is Kate. 'Brads already on the sofa and my family are out so we are going to watch a film here, sorry:( have a good time with James manner:))x'
"Looks like its just us then!" I say to James. "What do you fancy watching?" I chuck him the remote to pick a film on Netflix.
Today has been good, tonight is going to be cute!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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