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You felt yourself lifted out of the snow as you coughed your vision having a blurry tint as you heard a muffled voice.

"H-hey, are you okay..?!"

It asked rather panicked though from how deep their voice was it was obvious they're male.

Coughing a bit more seeing black and (s/c) spots, this being from the bits of water that we're contained in the snow.

Feeling your skin slowly heal you sat on your knees feeling a hand on your shoulder.

Looking down at your hands, you couldn't help but notice the slight tinge feeling from the burning sensation.

As you sat their for a second catching your breath you sighed. Realizing their was somebody next too you out of reflex you turned around quickly now up against a tree as you stared at him.

Your eyes locked with his you noticing the different colorations, the left one red, and right one green they also emitted a soft glow, similar to an enderman's eyes.

You also noticed the black enderman-like skin that covered his face.

He also seemed to be wearing royal looking clothing, a long purple cape that connected with an eye of ender.

Along with a black shirt that had a singular stripe of white going down the middle, he also had a ribbon-looking material that seemed to help connect his cape's golden lines of silk that draped down, connecting to each side.

As he wore full black pants and a purple material seeming to be used as a belt as they we're wrapped around the top of his pants.

You noticed he seemed to be wearing a crown likely made out of gold with a few gems, each a different coloration. All on top of his almost fluffy looking black hair.

Though out of everything you we're mostly captivated by his eyes you didn't take your eyes off him, you knew you we're staring but as a fight, flight, or freeze response you we're supposing it was freeze as your heart pounded out of fear..

"Y-Your an enderman..?"

He spoke as you opened your mouth slightly your voice soft and at the same time obviously on alert.

"For the females it's EnderWoman..-"

You spoke as this was indeed true as the females of the species preferred to be called woman rather than man, their was also the term EnderPerson, or People for the ones who we're/are gender neutral, or didn't have specific pronouns.

"O-oh.. Sorry.."

He replied it was obvious in his voice that he was sincere but that he was also focused on the fact their was another one if his kind.

"I-its fine.."

You replied as you went to stand up, the man following your movements as he stood up as well.

He was definitely taller then you as you had to look up a bit, him being at least five inches taller then you.

"U..um.. M-my names Ranboo..-"

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