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Elytrian Origin


Species of this origin, often have wings ever since their born, causing them the power of flight.

-Panic Button
In their minds Elytrians have a panic button, this activates randomly but can be kept under control easily. Basically they shoot straight up into the sky to easily avoid any harm.


-Eighteenth birthday!
This species specifically concentrates on when their eighteen as that is when their wings finally are fully grown in and they don't have too glide anymore.
They are known as Avians for the first eighteen years of life.

-High altitude
This species must sleep at high altitudes for a better feeling of being safe.


You we're sat in the pub as you looked off the edge admiring the site, the large snowy mountains with slight bits of green from the spruce wood trees.

The large forests that covered the world in dark green, the soft chirps and wing flaps of birds adding to the sound along with bugs buzzing along.

Wow... This really is a site to behold.

You we're stuck in a trance with the site that was till you heard footsteps, you turned looking over at the people.

Their we're the ones you we're familiar with, Phil, Ranboo, The kid with red wings.

Their was one other person this time though, she had long half black, half white hair, and one black and one white wing.

"Name's Beautie, call me Bow."

She spoke with a thick Scottish accent. As Phil then nudged the red winged boy as he just looked at Phil confused, of course Bow noticed this.

"Ah, so you didn't introduce yourself did you Tommy."

She spoke again looking at the ruby-red winged boy as the realization hit him.

"What- NO! I DID-"

He yelled back but much to his dismay Phil backed up Bow in her saying he didn't.

He angrily glided down the pub to, you we're assuming, his house.

"Well, now that that's over, let's find out the living situation... Beautie go make sure he's not eating that moss again-"

Phil said keeping the last part in a hushed tone as she glided down after the dirty blond avian.

"Well, I propose the idea that you just stick with Ranboo for now, as you and him are of the same origin. So you and him would most likely get along the most and not piss each other off, well with that figured out bye!"

Phil said as he flew off, out of the pub leaving you and taller enderperson alone.

"Well.. M-my house..?"

He said rather awkwardly as you nodded and he grabbed your hand forgetting you could teleport as he generated an ender pearl and threw it too the ground.

You and him both appearing in the spot it landed in the same position as he throws another ender pearl into a cave that had vines draping down over along with crystal shards growing out of the rocks.

You and him now in the cave as he let go of your hand you looking around at the cave curiously touching one of the purple crystals feeling the smooth surface of the crystal along with the rigid edges of it.

"You like Amethyst?"

He asked slightly amused at your curiosity.

"Is that what it's called..? Amethyst.. It reminds me of End Crystals.. They look similar"

You replied still captivated by it as you heard slight rustling as you turned around looking at Ranboo searching throughout a bag as he turned too you.


He said as he handed you an amethyst shard that was connected by some thin rope that clipped by a type of hook.

"It's a necklace, here turn around for a sec"

He said as you turned away from him your face heating up slightly when you felt his soft breath on your ear as he moved your hair out of the way putting the rope around your neck connecting the hooks and dropping your hair as he moved away.

You calmed down for a second so he couldn't see the soft red hue on your cheeks.

"You.. can turn back around"

He chuckled slightly as you turned around fiddling with the necklace a bit figuring out it was around your neck as he smiled.

"It looks good on you"


You replied.

"So.. Where do I sleep exactly..?"

You asked as he signaled for you too follow him deeper into the cave as he opened a door too a room that had a bed that seemed too have a red fabric covering it along with a pillow.

"I guess you can have this room, I don't really use it so it might be a bit dusty."

He replied

"That's fine"

You replied as he then left the room.

You yawned as you felt the bed, it was alot comfier then the ones in the end.

You collapsed on to the bed, a huge wave of exhaustion fell over you as you closed your eyes.

Letting out a large sigh of relief as it felt as though you we're laying on one of the white fully clouds.

Soon you drifted away, your body relaxed. Your eyes closed. Nothing but pitch black.

Your muscles loose, and your brain numb. Man, sleep had never felt this good.


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