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So here's the book, and nice little thing I made the cover :3________________
Dream, Ink, and Blue were all hanging out in a park. The reason they were there? Well Dream and Ink's son Palette wanted to go and play of course. Blue went because he's really close to the boy that he considers his nephew, and he wanted to spend time with his friends. But when ever he did it always made him feel...jealous?.. No he wasn't jealous of his friends, they were happy, they were partners, they had an amazing son...they had each other...
Blue wasn't dating anyone, and he wanted a child... But he doubted he would ever get either...
"Hey Blue... Is everything all right?.."
Dream could sense Blue's negative energy, so he felt obligated to ask him if he was ok. Blue blinked a few times, snapping out of it.
"Oh ya I'm ok, why do you ask?"
"Um no reason, I was just wondering is all."
Blue smiled but he still felt a little weird. Then he noticed Ink had a look. Blue knew this look very, very well.
"So Blue..."
"*Sigh* Yes Ink?"
And yes, Blue did not like that look
"I was going around like I normally do..."
"Uh hu?"
"And I think I have someone that-"
"Thanks for trying Ink, but I'm good"
Ink sulked a little
"Come on Blue, you haven't even been trying since you and Red broke up."
"Really Ink? That was years ago, and I mean years ago. Way before Palette and hell even just before you two."
"I guess... But Ink's right Blue, and we're just looking out for you..."
Blue thought about it and again sighed
"I know, it's just I need you guys to let me do things on my own. I both love you like brothers, and for right now family is enough for me. Maybe it'll change but don't try and change it right now, ok?"
"Ok fine we won't, we just wanted you to be happy is all... But if you already are then we'll leave you alone."
Dream smiled reassuringly, making Blue feel better.
"Thank you-"
"Mom, dad!"
Palette screamed running over to his parents and Blue.
"Yes honey?"
Dream asked, bending down to face his son.
"C-Can unca Blue come push me on the swings!"
The three chuckled, listening to Palette try and say some words was undoubtedly adorable and hearing him say his own version of 'uncle' was even cuter.
"Well I don't know if he's-"
"Ya, sure buddy!"
Blue said enthusiastically, cutting Ink off in the process. Palette got excited.
"Yay! Come on, there over here!"
Palette again screamed, grabbing Blue's arm and pulling him towards the park. Dream and Ink laughed, and Blue waved at them before going to play with his nephew.
After many hours the star sans made it back home. They were very exhausted, while Palette was practically bouncing off the walls.
"So let's go and-"
"Ok little man, I think me and your parents need a break..."
Blue chuckled, scratching the back of his head. Palette taking the hint nodded.
"Ok! It's late so it's bed time now, right?"
"Yes honey, so you ready?"
Ink asked pretty tired
"Ok good, mom go bring him to bed..."
Dream nodded grabbing Palette's hand and leading him to his room. Once gone Ink turned to look at Blue.
"Well I'm probably gonna head to bed to, so we'll see you in the morning."
"Ok, night Ink..."
"G'night Blue"
The two went there separate ways, Ink going to his and Dream's room, and Blue going to his own. Taking off his current clothes Blue changed into some pajamas and just sat on his bed. He looked around his room, his eyes landing on a picture of Ink, Dream, Palette, and himself. He picked it up and looked at it.
"Love you guys..."
When he said that he did mean it but... He felt like he needed more... Yes he lied to Dream and Ink, and yes he knew it when he was doing it but him being him he couldn't help it.
Blue sighed, and put the picture back and laid down in his bed. He tried to think positively, as to not have some bad dream or something along those lines... But now it was near impossible. He groaned, picking up a pillow and burying his face in it. After he was done with that he threw it to the side and sighed.
"Dream's just gonna have to scold me tomorrow... Yay..."
Blue rolled over on his side and felt his eyes get heavy. Shortly after he fell asleep.
Blue slowly fazed into a dream, he knew it was dream only because Dream helped him be self aware and know what's going on in his head when he sleeped. It was odd but after a while Blue got the hang of it and it became less strange to be self aware. At the current moment Blue appeared to be in some sort of restaurant, and it seemed that he was almost the only one there. Starting to walk around Blue heard some music, thinking about it now it was crazy how his mind could remember random songs like these, it was strange but again cool.
He walked up to the bar and sat down, it strangely being the most empty at the moment. It was nice, relaxing in a weird way that only a dream can be...
"Here you go"
A man who Blue could only assume was the bar tender said, handing him a rather colorful mostly blue drink.
"I didn't-"
"Welp, someone else did. So just be happy"
Blue grumble, 'just be happy' was not a phrase he liked. But he was curious to find out who his subconscious had get him a drink. He looked around and at first he didn't see anyone.
Blue thought to himself, taking a sip of the drink. It tasted good, it was like something he would order himself, a perfect mix of sweet and bitterness. He thought it was a little weird, but then again it would be something he'd like... So he shrugged it off and continued to drink his drink. Until someone walked up and sat next to him. Blue stopped for a moment, and looked at the monster that sat down next to him. He was kind of tall, but not really. He had on a dark sweater and some jeans, he also had a dark purple jacket that was now hanging over the side of the stool he was sitting on.
Looking at him, Blue didn't think he looked half bad, but he didn't recognize him. He thought about it a little, he couldn't put a face to the name. Still it wasn't like he was complaining about the hot guy sitting next to him... Well that was unless this is a wet dream... He isn't that dirty, is he?.. No! He isn't!.. At least not since-
"Hello Blue"
The guy said, cutting off Blue's train of thought and only confusing him more. This guy knows his name?
", do I know you?"
Blue watched as the man chuckled
"Haha... I suppose you wouldn't recognize me like this. Let me change, you'll recognize me then."
"What do you-"
Blue stopped as he watched black goop cover the guy... No...
"But yes~"
Great he can also read Blue's thoughts
"Yes I can, but could you please start alliterating a little?"
Blue still didn't say any thing, only looking away, drinking his drink, and wishing he could just sink through the floor and suffocate. Nightmare chuckled again.
"Ok, allow me to help you start. What do you think of the drink?"
Blue stopped drinking
"You got me this?.."
"What do you think?"
Blue sat there for a second, then pushed the drink away from him.
"Aw? What was that for?"
"I know this is a dream but I don't want to get roofied, especially not by someone like you."
"A dream, eh?"
Nightmare almost said that like he was confused. That just confused Blue even more.
"You...are the really Nightmare, right?"
"What other Nightmare would I be?"
Blue got a little annoyed, because now this was either the real Nightmare or one his mind conjured up. And if he thought of Nightmare then he would be weirded out or something along those lines. Either way Blue didn't know what to think. That's when Nightmare let out a sigh.
"No I didn't put anything in your drink, if you were wondering. And why I'm here..."
Blue was also wondering that so he let Nightmare think, then continue.
"I sensed an odd amount of negative energy, and I suppose that led me to you."
"Is there something you need to be negative about?"
"A response..."
Blue scooted his drink back over to himself and took a few more sips as Nightmare finished.
"I wasn't expecting that"
"Kinda realized..."
"Hehe, thought so smart ass"
Blue rolled his eyes, as the dark king chuckled
"Haha anyways, I am interested in what made you so sad."
"Like you care..."
"Tell me and you may find out"
Blue groaned, and thought about it. Then let out a small sigh, he mine as well vent to this Nightmare...
"It's...I just want...ugh..."
Or at least he thought he mine as well
"This is to weird, I can't..."
"...If you just get it out you'll feel better, also I know you thought the same thing a few seconds ago."
"...It's nothing really"
"Ok, go on"
Blue glared at Nightmare, but continued
"I just...don't want to feel alone... I mean I have Ink and Dream... But...I..."
Blue sighed, hating what he was about to say but saying it anyways.
"I want what they have... I know it's petty, and now that you heard it you probably don't care... But you wanted to know why, so there you go..."
Nightmare sat there for a moment clearly thinking about something, what Blue didn't know. Then Nightmare started talking again.
"You aren't the only one my brother has made feel alone you know."
Blue stopped, what was that supposed to mean?.. Then his eyes grew wide and Blue started shaking his head.
"No, no, no it's definitely not like that!"
"Yes I can agree with you there"
Blue stopped for a second
"Well in some sense yes... For one he is your friend, it would be much harder to admit that you're jealous of him."
"Don't say you're not, he just tends to have that effect on people."
Again Blue didn't say anything, so Nightmare continued.
"So yes it may be different..."
Nightmare turned to face Blue
"But you aren't the only one he's made feel alone..."
Blue felt a hand brush across his face, he didn't like that it was happening but it felt nice... Ignoring that fact Blue gently grabbed Nightmare's hand a shoved it away.
"...He's my friend..."
"I never said he wasn't, just like I never said he wasn't my brother. He is not bad but nonetheless he makes you feel that way."
Blue didn't want to admit it, he never did...but...he's right...
"...He isn't trying... He's just being his happy self... With Ink, and Palette..."
Blue forced himself to say, prompting Nightmare to ask-
"So that's what you meant when you said you want what he has?"
"I suppose it is"
Blue breathed, calming down a bit before saying.
"You were right...this actually made me feel better..."
"I thought it would"
"Why because it always does"
"But for once..."
Nightmare took a sip of the drink he just got
"I can actually say I understand"
"...You weren't able to before?.."
"No not really as much, it's interesting"
"I guess..."
Blue didn't know what to think at this point, this was just a dream- his dream. But he had no clue if the Nightmare he was talking to was part of it...or... It didn't matter, even if he was real it's not like he nor anyone else would care.
"...He really made you feel alone, huh?"
Blue decided to ask, making Nightmare perk back up.
"Not just alone but yes"
"Ok...then what else..."
"You...want listen to me?.."
" may make me feel better, and besides I mine as well listen."
Nightmare was semi surprised, but he actually started to talk with Blue. They both began to talk for while, and after a few hours or more Nightmare randomly changed the subject.
"I think it's morning, you'll most likely wake up shortly."
"Haha don't sound to disappoint"
"I guess I did, didn't I"
"Ya...and since dreams change all the time, I probably won't see you again."
"Eh you never know"
"Maybe... But even if I do, you probably won't remember this."
"Again, you never know"
Blue nervously chuckled his eyes shifting back and forth, and his hand brushing over the side of his skull. Nightmare noticed.
"What was that?"
Blue stopped for moment, then blushed and giggled again.
"Nothing- I don't think, I don't know!"
Nightmare chuckled
"I just found it funny, but why are you-"
"I don't know, I jus enjoyed talking is all"
"Oh, is that it?"
"It was all just- I-I don't-"
Blue had to think and process some words, but still ended up blowing up.
But Blue couldn't even do that, he woke up before he finished.

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