stand and explore the city

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This is the new chapter and enjoy

After rescuing Mei and Bronya from Anti-entropy Jin is currently practicing to summon Josuke's Stand using his light power

Jin: okay all the ingredients are here: bricks, a flower vase similar to the one my cat used to break, now all I have to do is imagine Josuke's stand

Then he started imagining Josuke's stand while using his Power of light and in the blink of an eye a light blue Humanoid creature that looked like Josuke's Stand appeared.

Jin:good, now it's time to do the experiment

He picked up a The brick next to the flower vase then slammed it against the flower vase

Jin:Now I have to put it back the way it was

He ordered his stand to repair the flower vase he just broke as before, the stand began to bring his hands closer and his hands began to emit a blue light.After being hit by that blue light the vase that was originally a shard slowly started to form into a vase again

Jin:So it not only heals wounds or illnesses but can also repair things too, interesting

You must be wondering why Jin used to have a cat okay let's go back to the past a little

Flash back

At that time Jin, who was 10 years old and still living in America, once kept a cat that he found in a bush in a weak state His cat is gray and white then he brought the cat home and after he was allowed by his parents Jin took care of the cat until he recovered and from that moment Jin began to take care of the cat and the cat was named SHIZA

Time flies by Jin who is 15 years old and his cat who has grown up But unfortunately he had to lose his cat in an accident At that time when Jin and his cat were playing in front of his house, more precisely under the tree in front of his house

Jin:Come on, Shiza, go after this mouse toy

He said while showing the toy mouse he was swinging with his right hand


And just as the cat was running towards Jin to catch the toy mouse that he was swinging with his right hand suddenly a fairly large tree branch cracked and fell right on to the cat


And unexpectedly Jin saw Blood seeping out of the tree trunk that just hit his cat


And after his cat died Jin buried him near the tree he used to make as a place to play with Shiza and because he was very saddened by the departure of his beloved cat Jin never left his room for three days

Flashback is over

Jin:damn, WHY do I have to remember my dead cat, ah let it go anyways there's no point in me mourning and Now I want to find a very large rock here to use as a breathing test exercise

he started to get up and took his flower vase to put in his house after he put his flower vase he started walking into the forest and started looking for a very large stone for him to use for his breathing test practice


After walking for a few minutes he found a very large rock

Jin:Now I just need a katana only

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