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1. Follow the community account: Rose-Gold_Community 

2. Follow the hosts: -MxssDrxmxtic- , Samantha_R_Samuel , and RovenaNatasha 

3. Add this contest to your private and public reading lists

4. Give the contest a shout out on your message board

5. Entries must be written in English

6. Mature and LGBTQIA+ are accepted

7. Participants' password is your favorite season

8. Bribing the judges will result in your immediate removal from the contest and any further rounds

9. Bullying anyone within the contest will result in your immediate removal from the contest and any further rounds

10. Be active while judging takes place in case we need to contact you

11. Submit your entries on time so that judging will take place on time as well

12. Have fun!


1. Follow the community account: Rose-Gold_Community 

2. Follow the hosts: -sarcasticchica- and Samantha_R_Samuel 

3. Add this contest to your private and public reading lists

4. Give the contest a shout out on your message board

5. Must be fluent in English, although it does not necessarily have to be your primary language

6. You may NOT be a participant as well because there are no separate genres in this contest, but you may be a judge for one round and a participant for another

7. Judging periods will take place in around a week's time, so you must be active and turn in your judging on time

8. You do NOT have to be a full-time member of the community, but being a judge for this contest will make you a part-time (unofficial) member

9. Judges' password is your favorite weather

10. Refrain from any bias in your judging

11. Constructive criticism only is allowed in judging, so no sugarcoating, but also no rudeness, otherwise your feedback will be removed and you will be removed from the contest

12. Be active during the rounds you are judging in case we need to contact you

13. Submit your judging results on time so that rounds can start and end smoothly

14. Have fun!

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