viii. neibolt house

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BILL, Y/N, RICHIE and eddie opens the front door with a creak.

"i can't believe i pulled the short straw." richie complains. "you guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks." y/n looks to her side.

"i can smell it." eddie said. "don't breathe through your mouth." four of them looks around the creepy house. "how come?" she asks. "because then you're eating it."

y/n sighs as eddie gags and pulls out his inhaler. richie then walks around with y/n and he pulls out a missing poster.. of himself.

"it.. it says i'm missing." richie holds up the paper. "you're not missing rich, you're here with us.." y/n grabs his arm. "police department, city of derry. that's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face--"

"calm down! this isn't real!" bill tries to rip out the paper in his hands. "that's my name, that's my age, that's the date!" eddie stayed quiet. "it can't be real, richie." 

"no it says it! what the fuck? am i missing? am i gonna go missing?" bill and y/n grabbed him, "calm down. no, calm down." he says.

"look at me, richie. look at me." richie looked to bill and her. "that, that isn't real. none of these shit in this house is. it's playing tricks on you." a sound were heard from upstairs. 'hello?'

all four of them looks at each other and begins to follow the sound.

'help me, please' y/n looks at bill who was looking at her. following him who was going up the stairs. as they reach the second floor, they can hear coughing.

a girl who was laying on the floor are now looking at them. "ripsom?" eddie asks. he was cut off by her screams, as she disappeared. all of them scared, walking towards the room hesitantly. 

eddie then turns around, stopping after his name was called out. 'what are you looking for?' it says to him. the others, including y/n, kept walking with bill and richie.

eddie, scared pulls out his inhaler and starts to gasp for air. y/n, noticing his heavy breathing looks back. too se he was alone. far, behind them.

"she was just here. where the fuck did she go?" richie looks around after going in the room. "guys.." y/n looks behind her as the door starts closing.

"eddie!" y/n yells, making bill and richie looks at her and eddie who was far behind. "what? eddie!" bill tries to open the door. you can hear eddie's screaming behind the door.

"richie, help us!" y/n says, she was trying to break down the door. meanwhile richie does nothing. "what am i supposed to do?"

"i don't know, just help--" she was cut off by something falling downstairs, breaking a furniture. "eddie? open the door!" bill yells. richie then turns around by someone calling his name.

"you okay? what's going on? eds. eddie!" bill desperately asks, scared for his friend too. "richie, where are you going?" y/n runs to richie who was entering the next room.

"richie?" she and bill calls out. just in time, the door closed by itself.

"fuck! richie? richie!" y/n starts banging on the door. "y/n, come on, open the door! it won't open!" richie says on the other side. "richie!" bill joins her by banging the door too.

"what's going on? richie?" she places her ears to the door and starts kicking it. "i can't!" richie desperately trying to open the door too, scared shitless.

then, it was all silence. no respond from richie, no nothing. y/n still tried to unlock the door but failed. bill has already given up. "why is this.. why is it doing this?" she asks, in tears.

bill was about to answer but instead the door who was locked with richie is in, suddenly opens and it revealed that it was chasing at him. bill quickly ran over to grab him and shuts the door.

"let's get outta here." bill says as richie was breathing heavily. 

sounds of giggling was heard inside of the mattress lying there, making y/n, bill and richie look at it. then a head of eddie pops up making richie more scared.

"you wanna play loogie?" it mocks eddie. then it spits out black liquid from it's mouth, laughing hysterically.

"fuck! let's get out of here!" they turn back, only to see three doors with three options; scary, very scary, or, not scary at all. they all look at the 'not scary at all' door, looks at each other and looked back at the door, running to it. 

'where's my shoe?' someone or something said as bill opens the door. it was pitch black, but y/n immediately knew who it was. the missing shoe. betty ripsom.

bill pulls down the string to make the room bright, but instead was greeted by betty ripsom being tied up in the ceiling with no legs at all. y/n, bill and richie screamed to death as y/n shuts the door quickly.

"where the fuck were her legs!" richie yells. "t-this isn't real. remember the missing kid poster. that wasn't real so this isn't real." y/n nods at him. grabbing his hand. "come on, ready?" 

bill then opens the door again, revealing nothing. everything was normal. "oh, thank fuck." y/n sighs, wanting this to be over. "w-where's eddie?"

"help! help!" his screams are heard from downstairs, making the three of them run, rushing to go downstairs to save their friend.

they reached the kitchen, and they were greeted by the it itself, known as pennywise.

"this isn't real enough for you, billy?" it says to bill, who is shocked. "i'm not real enough for you?" pennywise mocks, sounding hurt. y/n looks to bill, "it was real enough for georgie!"

it began to laugh hysterically, laughing like a maniac. before standing up and lunges towards y/n, bill and richie. making the three of them gasp and hug each other. 

but it was stopped by beverly, who stabbed pennywise in the eye with a pipe. eddie screamed, not believing his eyes. pennywise starts to 'cry', standing still on the spot where beverly attacks it.

"get eddie! get eddie over there!" y/n points to eddie, who was still in shock. "oh, fuck! we gotta get out of here!" richie yells as pennywise then starts to growl.

turning around with it's messed up face, he roars as eddie and richie screams for help. all of the losers screamed when pennywise laughed, seeing their scared faces.

then it looks to it's side as the pipe from earlier, scratched ben's stomach as he fell down. pennywise then starts to back up, feeling weak and disappeared.

panic yells were heard from all of the losers, saying they need to get out but none of them are doing anything. they're scared to.

"don't let him get away!" bill stands up, approaching the door where it just disappeared. "no! bill!" everyone calls out. mostly y/n.

"bill, we have to help eddie!" richie screamed, loud enough for bill to make him go upstairs, running to eddie who was screaming in pain.

"i'm gonna-- i'm gonna snap your arm into place." richie says. "what? are fucking with me! no!" y/n tries to stop him, but he keeps pushing her hands away. "rich, do not fucking touch me." eddie shook his head, replaying the same sentence all over again to make him stop.

the sounds of bones cracking was heard, and eddie screamed.

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