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"Oh Namju, that's enough."

Oh thank God, Eun Dan-o is finally here. I exhaled in relaxation. She walks towards Namju and beside me.

"Are you 2 okay?" She asks us. We both nodded. I kneeled down to help Juda brushed her uniform. 

"Do you think you're something because you're A3?" Dan-o then look around us. "All of you are the same too."

Lee Dohwa, the second lead suddenly helped us along with Dan-o. I caught Dohwa and Juda staring at one another, my lips curved at the sight but hid it immediately.

"You're the first woman who did that to me..." Namju mumbled. I stood up. 

"Exactly, she's the first one." I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed.

Eun Dan-o bumped her shoulders at Namju purposely and walk out.

"Dan-o-yah! Oh...Hi Namju-ssi!" Saemi said but Namju ignored her.


Suddenly, everyone paused. "What...The?" I looked around and laughed. 

"You know guys, this is what happens when you don't have you're ego. How pitiful..." I clapped my hands and jumps around.

"You!" I was startled at Dan-o's voice. I turned around and saw her, my jaw-dropped. "OMG, you have you're ego already?" I said pointing at her.

"Ego?" She asks while I smirked.

"One day, you'll know Dan-o-ssi! But, bye bye for now!"


My desk at the classroom is behind Dan-o. I looked around to find where Juda is at, while turning my head side-to-side I saw Namju giving me a glare, I quickly look away and saw Juda on the other side of the room, I felt relieved and now I focus on the notes in front of me.

"I clearly forgot that my character is smart as hell..." I chuckled as I read the notes. "What a nerd Yin..."

"Scoops owl! Yah, Soochul stop bothering me!" My eardrums almost got destroyed because of Saemi's yelling.

"Yi-Jeun." Dan-o said in front of me. "Tell me...What's happening..."

"Oh, Dan-o-ssi, hello...Nice to see you again." I smiled. 

"Yah! Dan-o-yah, why are you speaking to her?" Saemi rolled her eyes at me and forcing Dan-o to ignore me. "Wait, wait...I need to ask something!"

I playfully waved at her before she was force to turned her back at me. 

I grabbed my bag behind my chair and took out my earphones. "Noisy, noisy people." I sighed.

After minutes the professor entered announcing the first subjects.

"I'm doomed..." Soochul said.

The test papers are passed to the back, I took one and continued to pass the last one at the back. I caught Juda staring at me and I mouthed the word Goodluck and Fighting and she did the same.


Dan-o said again. "No talking while exam." The professor said when he saw us.

She pouted and turned her back again.

I read the first question and answered like a normal student. I saw Dan-o pinching her cheeks and I laughed.

𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚈𝚘𝚞: 𝙽𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚐𝚒𝚊Where stories live. Discover now