Pt. 1 From Zero To Hero

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You wake up, slapping the alarm clock, stopping its incessant blaring, looking at your work clothes of a boring job you knew you were never getting out of.

Don't I need a change of pace, adventure? Maybe even be a hero? I mean, that'd be cool.

You think to yourself, reading the poor excuse of a redemption arc that was Endeavor, the now number one.

If I were you there'd be so many things I would've done and said, and maybe the Todoroki family would actually be happy.

You also thought, knowing you were talking to simple drawings on a page.

You put the manga comic down, going to get ready for your work.

You put on the top and bottom, all grease stained, you put in an order for a new one a while back, still hadn't come, you tried washing it, soaking it, all manner of ways you could find, and still no dice.

This is gonna kill me one day.

You walk to work, always thinking about the boss that was as sad an excuse of one as Enji was a hero.

He's a fucking crook, always trying to find the shadiest way to make a quick buck. The place barely meets safety standards, it's fucking bullshit. I regret being that fucking desperate.

There were no other jobs in your area anyway, not like you could up and leave without crawling back to him.

The next thing you knew, an arm was put around your shoulder, sending a shock through your body, unexpectedly. You turn to see your dumbly optimistic co-worker, Oreta.

Oreta: Hey! How's me main man doing? Pretty shit as usual, eh? Aw come on, you know I'm joking.

He says, all in the span of a second, at least as you thought.

Y/N: Sup Min-Min.

You called him, he never understood the reference you made, but if he did, there'd be hell to pay.

Oreta: What's with the name? Can you tell me? Cos I'm still coming up with nothing. There's literally no Min in my name.

Y/N: Still haven't got it? I keep telling you that if you watch Mha that you'll get it.

Oreta: I have a feeling it'll be a waste of my time.

Y/N: What? It's a good show.

Oreta: its fan base is just depressed teens and adults who don't want to work. I'm not turning into them.

Y/N: You also have the obsessive fan girls, the toxic shippers, and the Mineta haters, of which I'm a part of, but becoming one of em is a choice.

Oreta: Yeah. A choice that everyone happened to make. No one is born wanting to be one of these people, if I watch the damned show, I'll turn into one of them.

Y/N: Whatever. Your choice my man.

You arrive at work. The place stank of rotten food, looking similar to that burger joint in Mr. Krabs' backstory.

Y/N: Only someone like me would make that damn connection.

You walk in, opening the door and preparing the food in the actually fairly clean oven and fryers, this was mostly a waiting game, trying to look busy while there was nothing to do. You could have wiped up the benches, but you knew it would be to no avail.

Y/N: I wish I could just get out of here.

???: You got it.

Y/N: Huh?

You look around, trying to find where that voice came from.

You see only your boss, Jack Paradigm.

Jack: Anything wrong?

Y/N: Nothing.

You continue doing your job. Until the cold, dark medium between sunset and night.

You started to pack your things and head home, half asleep. Not really looking forward, just knowing the way home. Had you bumped into someone, they really couldn't take it as you being an asshole, could they?

You were a stressed, tired, overworked, man who already felt like he was in his eighties.

That key word: stressed.

Little did you know, behind the scenes, someone, or rather, some group, was planning something beautiful for you. Though, were you really going to see it that way when you saw? Probably not, but you'd already wanted to be something more, save a life, get a girlfriend, or a wife, be successful. Both you and those who saw you knew it better than the common eye, which could already see your situation.

At least I have weekends off, only cos the bastard has to.

You finally return home, being surprised that you'd not been the victim of a gang beating.

Though really, it never happened to you, but almost everyone else, maybe gangsters pitied you, now isn't that sad.

You walk into your house, not even bothering to turn the lights on, knowing the house like the bullshit of Mineta's existence.

You jump weakly and land on your stomach, bouncing back up from the little bounce your bed had left.

Fuck this shit.

Your final thought for the day.

As the night grew colder, you felt a sudden change, being under warmer blankets than your own, and being, much taller than you were.

The fuck? Whatever, I'll check it out when I get up.


You wake up, rolling out of bed with more energy than you normally do. You realised pretty quickly that, to put it blunt, you were fucking massive, easily six feet tall, and you could swear that wide putin could be playing as you walked. All before you opened your eyes.

When that happened, you looked around these new, well-off surroundings rather inquisitive of where, or who you were, you could feel that abs you couldn't get from doing nothing were definitely there.

I'm not in my body, that's for sure, thought this shit only happened in movies, TV and bullshit fanfics written by some kid with way too much time on his hands who wants to see someone date some anime chick.

You chuckle at that last remark, finally finding the bathroom, and what you saw, it was...
... unreal.

Y/N: Am I Enji now?

You see the reflection, unable to tell a lie sure, but still, having trouble believing what was so obviously the truth.

Y/N: Shit. I've got so much shit to fix.

You then remember the walk to the bathroom was practically empty. No one, no Rei, no Natsuo, no Fuyumi, no Shoto. You weren't expecting Toya, but the others? Something was amiss.

What the fuck did he do?

I'm Enji now?!?! (Good bodyswap Enji reader x Rei)Where stories live. Discover now