Pt. 13 Words On The Hill

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The next day-

You woke up, with Rei at your side, cuddled up to you.

You smiled at her, yet your slight stir woke her.

Rei: Hey.

Y/N: Morning.

Rei: Actually... I have something I should ask...

Y/N: Sure. What is it?

Rei: You wanna take some time off, go do some couple things?

Y/N: Absolutely.

Rei: Of course, after Atsu gets his hearing.

Y/N: Oh. That's right, I'm meant to be at the court with him.

Rei: Yeah. I can come with you though.

Y/N: You don't want to sit through that, do you?

Rei: Eh. How boring could it possibly be?

She smiled brightly at you, the sight of it eased your chest and shoulders.

Y/N: It's thoughtful... I guess. You don't have to go though.

Rei: I'll be right outside, we'll go on a date after, how about that?

Y/N: Yeah... that'd be nice.

After Sabre's hearing at the court-

You walked out with about as neutral a step as you had when you walked in, Rei couldn't actually tell what happened.

Rei: So, what's the news?

Y/N: Well, Sabre's sentence was reduced, he'll be out in the end of next year. He won't be able to get his hero license back until about five years after that.

Rei: Well, at least he'll be okay, sort of...

Y/N: I did all I could, I guess.

Rei: Anyways, let's get on to it, c'mon!

She grabs your hand and runs towards the park.

You chuckled and ran along with her, the spring that found your step now a familiar feeling.

She held a basket in the other hand, and a wide grin on her face.

The sight of it all made your chest light, less weight than you'd ever felt on it.

As the two of you approached the hill, you found Datsu, sleeping under the single tree at the top.

Rei: I was hoping to get the shady spot.

She let out a short sigh, before walking up the small hill, and laying out the picnic blanket.

You followed her up there and flattened the blanket while she took the lunch she had made.

Datsu woke and raised an eyebrow to the whole picnic.

Datsu: That's a fine partner you have. Don't lose that.

Rei: He's well aware, Hado.

Y/N: Yeah...

You look down towards your feet and your hands trembled slightly.

Rei: Hey. Relax.

She sat down beside you, waiting for you to sit as well.

You nodded to her before sitting down and leaning towards her shoulder.

Rei: That's it.

She put her arm around your shoulder and softly pulled your head onto her shoulder.

Y/N: This... it's nice...

I'm Enji now?!?! (Good bodyswap Enji reader x Rei)Where stories live. Discover now