Pt. 17 Masutafu Loan Shark Empire

613 18 1

9:00pm, Saturday, 4 weeks since the encounter with the Icon of Sin.

A bar is filled with guests, low prices and shady customers of all walks of crime are seated and enjoying their earnings, a figure comes from the back. The same figure as the man who appeared on the news four weeks ago.

The combined conversing noise soon pipes down to whispers and then to dead silence.

Icon of Sin: I'm looking for allies.

Eyes cock over in all directions, but no words spoken.

Icon of Sin: C'mon. Who doesn't want to make millions in their take, eh?

One thug stands.

Thug: I mean... I would..

Icon of Sin: That's what I need! C'mon! Somebody! We don't need to feel intimidated now, do we? We're all here for the same reason.

A tall, solid-figured man stood. He had white hair and stood at roughly the same height as the Icon of Sin.

???: I suppose you need more than physical strength to get by. Maybe I'll buy out government. Though I suppose someone like All Might would still be a nuisance.

The Icon of Sin raised an eyebrow, knowing this man from somewhere, forgetting just where he'd seen him.

???: Well this is starting out as an amazing team. Anyone else?

Icon of Sin: Yes.. anyone else?

A slim figured man stood, at least two feet shorter than the others, his bald head with a marking that had him looking like a bishop piece in chess.

??: You can call me Zugzwang.

Icon of Sin: I take it you have a form switching quirk?

Zugzwang: Indeed I do. A form that takes after any chess piece.

Icon of Sin: This will be fun.. back to the first guy.. what can we call you?

???: It's not important. Not as important as the look on All Might's face when he sees me.

A silver haired woman in a grey dress stood, she had a short, yet stout and stocky figure, her hair glistened in the light as it came down to her lower back, everyone turned as she piped up.

???: Damn you're pretentious.

Icon of Sin: And who are you?

???: The name's Shield-maiden.

She generated a sword and a circular shield from seemingly nothing, before multiple of both swords and shields sprouted from nothing, levitating under her whims.

Icon of Sin: I have a spot on the team if you're interested.

Shield-maiden: I'll take it.

???: So we have four... we'll need more.

Shield-maiden: We'll need grunts to do the menial shit I suppose. I have a few hundred.

Icon of Sin: I could do with the extra people..

Shield-maiden: Anyways, who's the Mysterio?

Icon of Sin: Can we get a working name?

???: I suppose you could call me as a stranger would, that name is Shigaraki...

The quartet then moved out swiftly, work cut out for them.

The next day- Masutafu hospital

You laid, feelings of dread and rot course through you, a constant sting soothed only by Rei's touch.

Rei: You... you've been.. seemingly miserable lately.

Y/N: I've spent a month laid down, sure I can walk... but it gets boring.

Rei: You'll get your discharge soon. It's only that pain now, right?

Y/N: Suppose.

Rei: You'll be okay..

She laid a gentle, cool touch to your head, slowing your thoughts.

Y/N: Thank you..

Rei: It's okay..

She kissed your head and stroked your forehead with her thumb.

Rei: It'll be okay dear...

Y/N: Maybe..

The doctor entered the room.

Doc: Well, good news, you'll more or less be fully recovered in three days, and at this point you can move and fight. Just don't take on the guy that put you here, as for your stay.. you'll be discharged within the hour.

Y/N: That is good news.

Doc: However..

Y/N: Ah shit...

Doc: There are some kids in here.. they'd love to see a real life hero, you know?

Y/N: I'll see to that.

An hour passed, you looked into a few rooms.

You saw a small child, with long black hair and a medical eyepatch.

Y/N: You okay?

Kid: Who're you?

Y/N: Some say I'm a hero I guess.

Kid: Well go. You people are always trying to take me away.

Y/N: Why's that?

Kid: Doesn't matter..

Y/N: Do your parents hurt you..?

Kid: No.. he'd never..

Suddenly, a man appeared behind you.

???: Sorry about this..

You looked behind you and saw a grey haired man.

???: I'm Taishiro Aizawa. This is my son, Shota. I've done some bad things in the past.. that's why he resents heroes.. try to take him. And.. I know the patch looks bad.. but that's just his quirk manifesting..

Y/N: I see.. I understand what he means.. I don't exactly like the type of hero to blindly follow orders either.

Shota: You can do that?

Y/N: You carve your own path.

Shota: So I could make a difference..?

Y/N: I suppose.

Shota: Well.. I already get lots of training.. but daddy you gotta stop holding back.

Taishiro: Oh I could never hurt you. Even if it's play.

Y/N: Well I'll leave you two alone.

They both nodded and you left, heading to another bed before a news report caught your eye.

You managed to catch the main points, the two SS rank villains, All For One and the Icon of Sin working together, with the manpower of both the Shield-maiden gang and the Masutafu Loan Shark Empire, and a dangerous villain on his debut, who had too many Z's in his name for you to remember.

Shit... this just became the worst day to be a hero...

A nurse snapped you out of your fear-freeze.

Nurse: Is everything okay?

Y/N: No... two exceptionally powerful villains just joined forces.. frankly.. we're fucked...

Nurse: I suppose if a top hero has that attitude.

Y/N: Well...

You sigh.

Y/N: Suppose you're right.. when it comes to blows.. I'll go beyond.. but no promises..

I'm Enji now?!?! (Good bodyswap Enji reader x Rei)Where stories live. Discover now