Pt. 3 Ways Of Then

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You stand there, seeing the police take the swordswoman away, the white haired lady still grasping your shoulder.

As she finally releases you, your smile at her is interrupted by a floating man, one coming towards you.

???: I don't believe we've met.

Y/N: Wouldn't be sure if we have.

You say honestly, scratching your head.

???: Well, the name's Datsu.

Y/N: Datsu? First or last?

Datsu: Oh yeah. I use Datsu, I made it my hero name actually. But yeah, Datsu Hado.

Hado?! As in-? Wait. She's not born, and won't be for another five-seven years, something like that.

Y/N: Say, you got a girl?

Datsu: Not yet. But I damn sure hope so.

Looks like the blue came from the mother.

You think to yourself, looking on the brown haired man, his beard being nothing special either. Though, it looked like his quirk was the one she inherited.

Datsu: Anyway, catch you later Endeavor.

Y/N: See ya.

You turn, your eyes meeting Rei.

Rei: Thanks for saving me. Your quick thinking really got me outta harm's way.

Sabre: Yeah, you were the real MVP today.

I can't even throw a punch.

After work, you go to the agency of the rival of the body you inhabited.

All Might.

You walk in, keeping the intimidating stride that the original inhabitant would take.

Sir Nighteye stops you, towering over even you.

Nighteye: What are you doing here?

Y/N: I'm asking All Might if he would like to train. With me.

Nighteye: Well, why not train with me instead?

Y/N: I could pull that off.

You go into the training room, with Nighteye, knowing he was going to kick your ass, but you had to learn how to fight after that abysmal performance against the woman who attacked Rei.

Y/N: Also, I'm going to say, I've lost a lot of skill, my memory is a bit shot.

Nighteye: Ah. You wanted to gain your skill back by sparring the best opponent.

You put your hands close to your face, closing them in fists.

Nighteye: Let's get to it.

He takes a long stance, putting his arms quite far from his face.

You dash forwards at speeds unprecedented to you before, leading in with what you were sure was a punch.

Nighteye retaliated with a kick, getting absorbed by your built shoulder.

He threw a three piece combo of punches, two of which were blocked by your hands, the next, slipping through and hitting your face.

You stumble back, dashing in, you had to admit, the body that Enji had prepared for you was half the battle.

You sweep his foot, only making him lose balance for a bit, the opening in his guard made for a killer uppercut.

You'd probably hit him a bit hard, not knowing your new body's strength.

Nighteye: Solid shot.

Y/N: Was it a bit hard?

Nighteye: Oh it's fine.

You go in again, leading with a three piece that Nighteye blocked and countered with a knee to your ribs, it stung like all hell, but you still kept on.

He throws another jab, you dodge it barely, hitting him with a spinning elbow.

Nighteye: I can see why you say your skills are down bad. Your technique is good enough.

Surprising, I haven't thrown a punch in years now. Must be muscle memory or some shit like that.

Nighteye: Right. What say we amp it up a bit?

Y/N: Alright. Here we go.

You speed past him, dodging his first jab, he kicks under your jaw and flips backwards.

You land on your backside, in a daze.

Nighteye: It's true, you seem to have some severe memory loss. What from?

Y/N: I don't know. It's the strangest thing.

Nighteye: Your muscle memory seems to be intact, but your fighting intelligence has dropped off. Your power, speed and technique are much the same for the brawler you are though.

Y/N: Really?

I have noticed the body inching in certain ways.

Y/N: Yeah. So, I guess I'll have to improve that, also, I've been having some issues with my quirk. To put it blunt, I don't remember how to use it.

Nighteye: I'm not so sure I'm able to help with that.

Y/N: Damn it.

Suddenly, a figure has a shadow loom over you.

You turn around to see, the blond hair, the face that radiated joy, his multicoloured suit of red, white and blue. It was All Might.

Y/N: All Might. Um, sorry for coming in unannounced, I think I remember us being on not so great terms. Unfortunately.

All Might: It's fine. Any hero is welcome in here. Now then. What would you like?

Y/N: Umm, well, you see, my memory has been jumbled, my fight intelligence is next to nothing, I've forgotten how to use my quirk, I've forgotten certain people, and I need help.

All Might: Oh. I see. Well, there are a lot of videos on the internet that have you using your quirk, you can probably figure it out from there. After all, Hellflame isn't the hardest quirk to use, if I am correct.

Y/N: I don't imagine so. Anyways, I would like to set up some sort of consistent training, because I'm a pretty useless hero at the moment.

Nighteye: Oh please. You're a good hero, it wasn't your fault that your memory was shot. If you want, we can go out and take all our minds off it.

Haven't had a good drink in a while.

Y/N: I'd like that. But... how are we gonna... wait. Pro heroes have a lot of money, don't they?

All Might: That's right.

Y/N: Right. I've gotta, oh wait. Right here.

You pat your pocket and realise that 'your' wallet was inside the whole time.

I mean, his hero costume seems to be all he wears.

Y/N: Right. We can head out.

They take you out for a few drinks to get your mind off the situation, you drink a bit, not enough to get you drunk, although your old body would have passed out by now. The tastes you felt on your tongue were godly liquids, smells and tastes you'd never known. You were sure going to live as if you'd go back tomorrow.

That you did.

The next day-

Y/N: Ow. My head. Fuck me.

You wake up in the bed you've known only a day, now two, no one other than yourself inside said bed.

Good. Last thing I need is a fucking kid.

I'm Enji now?!?! (Good bodyswap Enji reader x Rei)Where stories live. Discover now