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3rd person POV

"How long more do you think she's gonna last?" Chaeyoung whispers to Dahyun as they watch Nayeon talk to her secretary.

"Judging by how fast her mouth is moving, about 5 more minutes," Dahyun replies.

"I say 5 seconds," Cheyoung smirks.

"Loser buys makgeolli for the other?"

"That's a bet Tofu." Chaeyoung says as they continue to stare.

"Watch this...5...4...3...2...1," Chaeyoung counts down. Sure enough, when she hits 1, Nayeon's secretary stands up and starts yelling. Dahyun groans and smacks the table.

"Neurin Maeul Makgeolli, it's Minari's favourite," Chaeyoung smirks as she pats Dahyun's shoulder.

"I'm never gonna financially recover from this," Dahyun sighs as she returns to her monitor. The door to Nayeon's office swings open and out comes a furious secretary. She slams her id on the counter of the front desk.

"I am sick of this shit. Fuck this whole company and most importantly, fuck that bitch. I quit!" She screams before storming off.

"Damn...she was doing so well, 3 weeks!" Chaeyoung muses as she stamps a big red "TERMINATED" on the now ex-secretary's file.

"Looks like she couldn't handle feedback," Nayeon's cold echos as she approaches the two girls.

"E-E-Evening Miss Im," the two workers stammer.

"Get a replacement secretary for me."

"W-W-Would you like a-a-a specific gender?" Dahyun shakily asks.

"Personally I don't give a fuck. Male, Female, Attack Helicopter. Just find someone to replace that useless bitch," Nayeon scoffs before walking back into her office. As soon as the door shuts, Dahyun and Chaeyoung heave a sigh of relief.

" is she so scary yet so bitchy at the same time?" Dahyun sighs as she leans back in her seat.

"I have no idea Dubu...I have no idea..." Chaeyoung replies.

"So...who do we get?"

The two go silent as they think. Dahyun's eyes light up and she turns to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung instantly knows what she's thinking.

"No Dahyun, don't rope him into this."

"Aw come on! You know he can take it! He's qualified!"

"But still, we shouldn't put him through this! He's too nice!"

Dahyun sighs and grips her co-worker and friend's shoulders.

"Chaeng, we both know that he may just be the only one who can handle Nayeon's attitude. Who knows? Maybe he'll change her life too? Didn't he get you to quit smoking?"

Chaeyoung goes silent as she thinks.

"Alright fine...we'll talk to him later."

Dahyun smiles and pumps her fist.

"Trust me. He'll do fine."

"I'll take your word for it Dubu," Chaetiung huffs as she gets back to work. Deep down, she knew that he just might be the one who could warm that icy woman's heart and maybe make her feel something...

I groan in frustration as a familiar sentence greets me again.

We are sorry Mr Park Sang-woo, but you're application for the job has been rejected.

It was 10pm, I had just gotten back from multiple failed interviews and this doesn't make anything better.

"Today just isn't my day," I sigh as I slump in the couch. I hear the door unlock and I don't need to turn my head to know who it is.

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