1: Social Etiquette

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"Ice americano and a latte for Park Sang-woo?" The barista calls out.  I weasle my way through the crowded Café and up towards the counter.

"That's me, thanks," I say as I take the two cups from him.

"Have a great day sir!" he chirps before tending to the other customers.

"I hope I do," I mutter as I pull out a small plastic bag that had white crystal like substance contained in it from my jacket. If you had no context, you would probably be thinking that I'm spiking the drink, but in reality, I was just adding the in a quarter packet of sugar for my bosses coffee. After 4 weeks of being Nayeon's secretary, I was sick and tired of having to buy and re-buy coffee because it was "too sweet" (how the fuck can she taste that shit?).

I finally resorted to just packeting exactly a quarter packet of sugar into small plastic bags instead of wasting my money. I admit, this little "spark of genius" of mine has gotten me into some unnecessary trouble with my  flatmates. I mean, how would you feel if you caught someone living with you pouring a white solid substance into small, individual plastic bags? The human mind somehow goes whiles and links me to a drug dealer.

Yes, Dahyun and Chaeyoung thought I was selling drugs.

After a lot of convincing and preventing either of them from calling the cops on me, I finally managed to explain the situation to them.

I stir my boss's coffee and walk towards the office building. I wave good morning to the friendly security guards and take the lift up to the top floor, just like every other morning.

"Morning Chaeng, morning Dahyun!" I greet as I walk in.

"Morning Squid Game."
"Sup Sang-woo."

Why wasn't I in the office at the same time as them? Well it's because I felt too embarrassed taking a lift from Chaeyoung's kind girlfriend every morning, so I started taking the bus. Dahyun on the other hand, was completely shameless and saw nothing wrong, so she continued hitching rides to work.

"Nayeon's already in her office," Chaeyoung says.

"Alright. Thanks Chaeng," I reply before walking towards my bosses door. I scan my card against the reader and push the door open.

 I scan my card against the reader and push the door open

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"You're late Secretary Park," Nayeon's voice greets me. I check my watch.


"By two seconds. Really Nayeon?"

"Punctuality is everything. Every second you're not doing anything just makes me more pissed off. Now give me my coffee," she says. I sigh and hand her the ice americano. She snatches it and takes a sip out of the straw.

"Got it right this time."

"Thank you. I've just resorted to packeting a quarter of a packet of sugar into small plastic bags," I reply proudly.

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